Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Random Post

I grew up in Washington State.  I love Washington  State....yeah, I KNOW I always share pictures, stories and fond memories of Nevada   (cuz Home means Nevada--it's the state song---and Washington and Oregon too!)  (and I've lived in Nevada longer than anywhere)

That's all beside the point.  I grew up in Washington State--a couple hours away from a little town called Leavenworth.  I love Leavenworth.  It's a Bavarian Village set smack dab in the middle of Washington State. 

There are two places I'd like to spend Christmas someday.  One is in Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia.  I want to spend a Christmas Eve Church service in the same pew as George Washington did. (seriously---they have the pews marked.  I was there.  But it was summer)
So... an historic Christmas in Williamsburg and then... then....
a Christmas at home in Washington state---Leavenworth...

I have a glitch!   There was a video here, and now it's gone.

This looks like my little Christmas village I put up each Christmas year.

Okay, I can have fun ANYWHERE at Christmas time.   Cities are fun, the country is fun, Mexico is fun, Italy is fun  (We have family traditions from these two places)
But Leavenworth.  That's where my heart is right now.
(and I really want a cuckoo clock. The last time I was there, they had a great clock store. )


Anonymous said...

Yes, Debbie, the pics of Leavenworth look great, but is it always that beautiful? Despite that, no matter where you are, you love the holidays and have a great time. I know.

bermudaonion said...

I grew up near Williamsburg so I spent a lot of time there near Christmas but never on Christmas. It's lovely that time of the year.

Sally said...

I hope you go some day. And I hope it is just like the video without so many people!

Karen said...

Hope you win!

Tina said...

Well I had to share this on twitter. Looks amazing.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...