Tuesday, April 12, 2016

And the Winner is....

Last Saturday  (the  Saturday before last, actually.  The  2nd)  I joined in a monthly meme hosted by Michelle at  Because Reading is Better than Real Life.
I choose 3 books from my TBR list and YOU voted!
I was supposed to write a post letting you know which one won on Saturday the  9th.
Buuutttt.......I didn't.  I was out of town visiting family in Washington State.  I took my laptop and had every intention of writing up a short post, but then, I don't know, life happened.
So... here is my late post.

  I asked you to help me pick a book to read from these three:



So I asked my Facebook friends!



The tie was between "The Dog Stars" and "Inside the O'Briens"

So, once again I asked the Handyman. (sigh)

He said:  Dog Stars? What are Dog stars?  I guess you should read Dog Stars!
I said:  But is that what you pick?
He said:  Well, I wouldn't pick it, I would pick the O'Briens.

So, I'm still not sure sure what I'm supposed to read.

The O'Briens?
The O'Briens.

I'll be back on the 30th and let you know how I liked it.


Katherine P said...

Yay for the O'Briens! I missed the voting but if I hadn't I would've voted for that one. I can't wait to see what you think of it!

Literary Feline said...

I hope you enjoy the O'Briens. I have only read one book by Genova, which I really liked, but I haven't read anything else by her. I hope you enjoy it!

Tina said...

My husband read Dog Stars and liked it fine. I am not familiar with the other books. I think I will start back with Tana French novels or Peter Robinson. I only have 1 in the series left for the Dublin Detective Squad but I think Doug wants to read it first. And it's on my Kindle. I guess I'll let him ☺️

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...