Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Fates and Furries

From Goodreads:
Every story has two sides. Every relationship has two perspectives. And sometimes, it turns out, the key to a great marriage is not its truths but its secrets. At the core of this rich, expansive, layered novel, Lauren Groff presents the story of one such marriage over the course of twenty-four years.

At age twenty-two, Lotto and Mathilde are tall, glamorous, madly in love, and destined for greatness. A decade later, their marriage is still the envy of their friends, but with an electric thrill we understand that things are even more complicated and remarkable than they have seemed.

From Me:
I can't say I loved this book--but I loved many things about it.  I loved the 2 perspectives in how the story was told.   I loved how the narrator would turn the questions/statements straight to the reader.
I loved this quote:
Between his skin and hers, there was the smallest of spaces, barely enough for air, for this slick of sweat now chilling.  Even still, a third person, their marriage, had slid in.

I love that quote so much!
It was very telling, because it's so true.
It's like 3 versions of almost anything in a marriage--his version, her version and the truth's version.
Because, we don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
(another quote, but I can't remember where from)
The writing was really good, the story was good, but I didn't love the characters.
Still---very worth the read.


Literary Feline said...

Anais Nin said that. :-) Her quote is in my e-mail signature. It's one of my favorites. I have been curious about this book, but haven't yet read it. Have you read her other books?

~~louise~~ said...

Hi Debbie:)
You breeze through so many books with ease Debbie. I'm in awe of your dedication to reading:)

I skim through many cookbooks on any given day but it's been such a while since I've actually sat down and read a book. I better make an effort to change that!

I'm a firm believer of the notion of three sides to every story; yours, mine and the truth. When it comes to marriage there may even be more lol...

Thanks for sharing, Debbie...

P.S. I'm having a cookbook give-a-way at my blog. You are more than welcome to pop by and see:)

bermudaonion said...

Um, the title of your post might draw a lot of attention. Do you know what a furry is? Having said that, I've heard a lot about this book, even that it was one of President Obama's favorites, and want to give it a try. I have a feeling it's pretty smart - maybe too smart for me.

Tina said...

I had not heard of this one but I like the idea of different perspectives. Glad you enjoyed it.

Katherine P said...

I've wondered about this. I like the basic premise of the 3 views of the marriage but sometimes those kinds of books can get a little too excited about how clever they're being. This sounds like an interesting read even if it didn't completely wow you. I'll have to look for it.

Kailana said...

The reviews on this have been rather split. I am curious about it, but wouldn't rush out and get a copy...

Nise' said...

I just started this book.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...