Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Emma in the Night-- a little bit late

 I love joining in a monthly meme hosted by Michelle at  Because Reading is Better than Real Life, in which we put up 3 books on the first Saturday of the month, and then you readers, vote on which one I should read, I read and then I write a blog post on the last Saturday of the month.

I am not always as dedicated as I should be-- I miss a lot of months --but I always enjoy it.
ACK!! I didn't forget this month, just had some unexpected company and jury duty and a baby shower to throw, book club to host-- all within the span of 5 days. So, I'm just a little bit late... but here goes....

This is so much fun!

This time the winner was:
Emma in the Night
by Wendy Walker

I gave this book a 4-star rating on Goodreads!  
It was a fast paced page turner and I didn't figure out the end. It totally took me by surprise--that's always a good thing.
My reading encompasses a wide variety of books, but I think thrillers are on the lower end of the spectrum for me.  I really enjoyed this one--passed it off to my daughter-in-law, as she said she was looking for it, but our library didn't have it yet.
I am trending!  I should open my own library.
I would definitely recommend this one!
Thanks friends for choosing it for me. 

I'll be back  next Saturday with 3 more books for you to chose from--for me!


bermudaonion said...

I'd come to your library. ;) I do love a good thriller and will make a note of this one.

Katherine P said...

Sounds like a great month! You've been busy but in a fun way! Emma in the Night is on my TBR so I'm glad to see you enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

Yay for a good and exciting read.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...