Sunday, April 7, 2019

Friday Friend Recipe #223 and #224 -- Pecan Tassies and Chicken Potato Bake

My Friday Friend Cookbook Countdown #223 and #224

Pecan Tassies and Chicken Potato Bake

and you know all the whys and wherefores of this countdown, right? Homemade cookbook, friends contributed, Handyman said I couldn't/wouldn't do it, I'll show him, yadda yadda yadda....

...and the rest is cookbook history!

My mom made Pecan Tassie's at Christmas time.  It's funny because what I sometimes think of as 'our' traditions, turn out to be everyone else's too.
Recipes on line describe Pecan Tassie's as a Christmas Classic.
They all look just a tad bit different.  Coming up--another Friday Friend turned in a Pecan Tartlet recipe--we'll see how they will look different than these...with basically the same ingredients!
Nevertheless they are both GOOD! 
We love pecan pie at our house tho.

I HATE myself when I have a meal that looks like this--I can still here my 7th grade Home-ec teacher telling us all that you eat with your eyes first.  Never should dishes have the same color pallet.
And especially not when I'm going to blast this all over the internet!
I really do know how to plate a meal.
While it might not be visually appealing, this simple chicken and potato dish is a very good comfort dish.

*I used a can of chicken and mushroom soup  

 Once upon a time--about 11 years ago, my mom and dad and their best friends Jim and Betty were coming upon their 50th wedding anniversaries. And so we decided to have a party!  Well, I did.  I have one brother and Betty has 2 sons--so mostly they did whatever I told them too.  (just kidding!  Slightly)

It was fun--because all 4 of them are life-long friends and they went to school together and graduated together, so we just celebrated at our cabin at Wallow Lake and invited everyone for hot dogs and hamburgers etc. Cake and ice-cream.
And during that time we had a 'toasts and tales' where old friends and family told stories about them.
It was a fun day.

Apparently we made Betty help clean the day before

And then somehow my mom dropped a cake--and she always thought things like this were hysterical!

She had no sense of a catastrophe about to happen  (like what are we going to do now??!  We have people to feed and we're one cake short, PLUS we have a mess now!)
She really was a glass half full person.

Taking a little rest after the cleaning--ready for the party next day?
The four of them always had fun together.

While going thru old photographs I found these 2 pictures of the 4 of them on a cruise.  I'm not sure where tho-- they are younger in these pictures than I am right now, I'm sure.  
Like I said, they always had fun together--- in elementary school, high school, family vacations, class reunions. cruises and more!

This is recipes #223 and #224 only 143 left to go!

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The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...