Sunday, April 30, 2023

Friday friend recipe number 335


My Friday Friend Cookbook Countdown #337

I think this is my strawberry pretzel dessert (or salad)

and you know all the whys and wherefores of this countdown, right? Homemade cookbook, friends contributed, Handyman said I couldn't/wouldn't do it, I'll show him, yadda yadda yadda....

...and the rest is cookbook history!

Just remember, the countdown is not all about pretty food and food design---it's about the people and the stories.
And (the most important thing) proving my husband wrong--and that I can and WILL make every recipe in this cookbook.

I have this entered in the FF Cookbook as a dessert.  Barbara Brown (the publisher aka typist of the original) entered it as a salad.
You be the judge.
Both are yummy!

Here is mine:

As you know already, I adore my sisters-in-law.  I am lucky that way. Especially since I have a gazillion of them-- or maybe only 13.  Seems like a gazillion. 
And since this is my recipe, I can 'spotlight' anyone I like, right? (no need to answer, because I'm going to do what I want)
Sylvia didn't enter very many recipes in the FF Cookbook, but you can see what she did here.  Just click.
But since I'm saying "goodbye" to everyone, I thought I'd say,
 so long/farewell to her too. One of my absolute favorite sisters-in-law.

My brother Kevin, Sylvia and my nephews, Jason and Jeff.
They were attending a family reunion on Guam when this photo was taken.

And my funny story?
Well, I was working in a school library in Los Banos, California and one of the new teachers and I were visiting--he was from Guam--and he asked my sister-in-law's name, I said Sylvia Delgado (her mother was a Fujikawa) and he said, I think I know them. They had a band.  Her dad and uncles.
I was shocked--and I knew, I just knew he was wrong. I said no, I don't think it's the same family.   I had never heard about this musical side of Sylvia's family before, and she had been in our family for about 7 years by then.
When I called her later, I found out that they did indeed have a band, and they made an album or two.  Also, she had gone to school with the teacher.
Fast forward 15 years and I'm at a funeral in Winnemucca, Nevada and the priest is from Guam (and you know, as common ground for conversation, I say so is my sister-in-law).  Well, guess what? Soon the priest is telling me about this band in Guam--the Delgado Brothers. 😊

I asked my sister-in-law if she had a copy of the album. and She sent me this picture. 
from Sylvia:
so, this was their first album-Para si Juan. In English, the literal translation for John.
The album was dedicated to their brother John, the first in the family to pass away.
My dad is the farthest on the right.

from the left on the tree: my uncles, Joe, Gus, Tony and in front my uncle Jess.
They got a local sponsor who knew a recording company in the Philippines. So, my parents and aunts and uncles would fly to the Philippines to record.  They made two more albums, a Christmas album and another one.  I only have this copy.

My mother would say "it's a small world" because of the coincidence of me running into the teacher and the priest (that sounds like the start of a joke--a teacher and a priest walked into a bar....)

I told her to find that Christmas album, lickedy split!  And to tell her boys this story about the band, about this part of their family history before they have to hear it from a teacher and a priest!

And that is my Sylvia story.
The end.
Because this is goodbye.

So, friends, My friends!  This is recipe, #335 out of 361 (I'm 99% sure I have all the math down pat now)
2023 will be the year!!
(Although I'm slow going)

Then what will I do?

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...