But I'll be out of the food blogging world for a couple of weeks. Don't forget about me!
Last night between errands I made this quick spaghetti sauce that I found over at "Everything in Moderation". I left Sherri a comment that I was going to try it, but who would have thought I'd do it the same day. If you want the full recipe, hop on over to visit her blog "Everything in Moderation." I will say that it was quick and quite good too. The Handy-man had 3 helpings. (and if his mother is reading this, he didn't like it as well as yours. LOL)
Speaking of spaghetti sauces...... my mother in law is half Italian and is known throughout the family for her great spaghetti sauce. It is legendary. And she has no recipe, she just adds a pinch of this, a pinch of that. We have all followed her around and tried to write it down as she cooks, but so far, none of us can compare. Well... there was that one time, when we were first married, 30 1/2 years ago, when the Handy-Man told his mother that my spaghetti sauce could rival hers. It was a tense moment at the table, but (and this is why I love my mother in law more than the average daughter in law should ), she just put her fork down and looked at me and said, "that's great!! It's about time we had another cook in this family. How do you do yours?" She's always been very supportive of me and and anything I do. Interesting woman, she thinks her daughter-in-laws walk on water. (sigh, yes I have to share my "water walking" ) But the nice thing is, I've learned from the best and I happen to think that my own daugther-in-laws walk on water too!!
My sauce really does not rival hers... I think the Handy-Man jinxed me that fateful night when he said that my sauce was as good as his mom's. Because I've never been able to make it as well since....and that has been over 30 years ago.
But this sauce? It's good. And fast. Just right for a work night. Serve with garlic bread and a salad.
It's perfect!!