Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Voting...the last round!

It's the last round of voting.   Our twin grandbabies have made it to the last round in the "multiples" costume contest.  The grand prize is a brand new double stroller (among other things).   We just want the double stroller (they are expensive).
And now....we kind of want the glory of winning....having pushed the button more times than anyone else.
Our family and friends: THE CHAMPION BUTTON PUSHERS.
But of course,  we do think they have the most unique costumes....and the cutest smiles.
My daughter-in-law goes to Yale Divinity School, and the twins,  Eli and Emerson, were  dressed in these costumes for the "Sinners and Saints"  Halloween/Harvest party.

Mary, of "One Perfect Bite"   let me know on round 2 that you can vote more than once.  But, we were all afraid to try it before then, we thought it was one vote, one computer.   Well in this, the last round, the voting only once rule is no longer being enforced  (thank you Mary for pointing that out), so...... they are letting us vote  "multiple" times.

So, if you would love to help us out,   please go to THIS SITE and vote for #2.   As many times as you want.  And if you want to pass the word around to your friends, do it!  Don't hesitate, because  you don't know them...  they are the angelic looking ones.

Voting ends tomorrow.


Kathleen said...

They are adorable..I voted..I can't believe they had to close off the comments due to unkind comments!
Saw you over at Kate's sidebar..
Good luck!

Mary Bergfeld said...

I went over and voted again for the twins. They are really darling.

Cathy said...

I'm on my way over to vote again. Your little ones are sooo adorable.

Ingrid_3Bs said...

They're soooo darn cute! I just hopped over to the site to see if they won and they did congrats!

Lori said...

Oh my God- they are so ADORABLE. I mean SO adorable.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...