Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Can I ask you a question?

Today I was looking thru  the "Book Movement" website and came across this  TOP CLUB PICKS and thought it would be a great resource for my book clubs.


Here is the trouble  (or the wonderful news, depending on how you look at it):   Out of 10 books listed,  I've read 6,  2 of them are upcoming reads for book clubs and 2 I own  but haven't read yet.

One of them, which I haven't read  yet is  "50 Shades of Gray".  This book seems to be  a 'buzz' on book club sites, and/or book club lists.   I saw it at my local market the other day so I picked it up, not knowing at all what it is about.   After closer examination at home, I think it is 'erotica'.    (if LOL was appropriate on blogs, but I know it's not as NO ONE EVER uses it,  I would write it here, because I truly am  Laughing out Loud at myself.  Why the heck I didn't read more about it before I bought it, I have no idea )

Back to the matter at hand,  Book Movement says that a lot of book clubs are reading it and it would make for good discussion, but its describes it as:
Poorly Written,

UGH.  Has anyone read it?   And is it worth my time?


Anonymous said...

Can't help you with the book, but isn't that funny about lol on blogs? I used it ONCE and then deleted it as it didn't look right (LOL). :o)

bermudaonion said...

I haven't read it and have no plans to. Alison of Alison's Bookmarks says it's not a good book club pick.

caite said...

It is porn, pretending to be something better. No, I have not read it, but have read reviews of a couple of bloggers I trust who have, and they seem to all think not only is it just porn, but it is really bad as well.
I think a lot of women are just looking for an excuse to read it, pretending it is more than that, because they don't like to think of themselves as someone who reads porn.

Ok, putting my soap box away. ;-)

sadie607 said...

I don't know how you would really discuss this book in a serious way. It's about a S&M relationship, dominance etc. I suppose you could talk about how you feel about that type of sexual relationship but the book is erotica. Poorly written erotica. It might be hilarious to pick this for book club and have a conversation about it. Especially depending on who was in the club.

I read it to see what the hype was about. I won't be reading #2 & #3. The relationship as portrayed in the book felt incredibly abusive to me with unequal power dynamics. Which I guess is part of their particular kind of sexual relationship but it was unhealthy plus poorly written.

I am honestly so confused by the hype. People act as thought this is the first erotica ever written or something.

Karen said...

Well, you know that *I* haven't read it, but I've seen lots of FB posts from people who have. Most of them say just what the others here have said - just poorly written erotica. (So, what's wrong with that?LOL)

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...