Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Advent Photo a Day project.   

I am sure there are many of these photo projects going around about now... but the one I am participating in is in conjunction with the UMC  (United Methodist Church)....with the hashtag  #rethinkchristmas.  

They  (whoever they may be----some higher internet power, I guess.  LOL ) give you a word  each  day in advent and you have to take a photograph and in some way tie the photo symbolically to the 'word' of the day.

These are the photos I posted Day One, Two and Three.

Day One--(the word was) GO.
Working up the courage to GO see Santa. The Natural wonder God gave us as children was meant to be kept alive....

Day Two--BOUND
We are bound as a community of believers.

Day Three--PEACE
Every Tuesday morning....6am coffee with one of my best friends. A 10+ year tradition. It brings me peace in a hectic world.

I could explain many things about my pictures, but I don't think I'm supposed to....you are just supposed to 'get' the meaning.

But...  those feet up there above? Those are my and my friend Debbie's feet.
Enjoying her tree, a good cup of coffee.
We've done it every single Tuesday morning for the past 10 years.
We rotate houses.
We used to live next door to each other and then I moved away, years passed and I moved back---but not next door to her.  So we do the early morning coffee to stay connected.
 It really does restore peace to me  ---and hopefully to her.
We've seen our children marry, have grandchildren, been thru the death of parents, and the many, many little things that make up a life.
Silly, but very important day to day things.
Every Tuesday.  
 (except once she juiced a bunch of vegetables and made me drink them.  I have to admit, it was good)

The Handyman  calls it "Girlfriend Day"
I love Girlfriend Day.

Day 2's pic.
I certainly hope we are bound as a community of believers. 
Even if we don't believe EVERYTHING the same... we still are walking to the same place....just taking a different road to get there.
We are bound.

Day 1's pic.
My granddaughter Emerson.  She really had to work hard to get her courage up so say hello to Santa.
So.  Very. Hard.

That's it! 
Ta Da and Goodnight!

I'll be back tomorrow with either a food post, a book post or some random rambling post 
and a photo.


bermudaonion said...

I love the photos! Your coffee tradition sounds wonderful and I love that you do it in your slippers!

Tina said...

Girlfriend day sounds awesome! Love those slippers :-)

By the way, I am glad we hooked up online and I always, always enjoy your blog postings. Happy December - week one!!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...