Monday, February 20, 2017

Friday Friend Recipe #117 -- Parisienne Chicken

My Friday Friend Cookbook Countdown #117!

Barb's Parisienne Chicken (or is it Parisian?)

and you know all the whys and wherefores of this countdown, right? Homemade cookbook, friends contributed, Handyman said I couldn't/wouldn't do it, I'll show him, yadda yadda yadda....
...and the rest is cookbook history!

Chicken in a cream sauce--with mushrooms!
What's not to like?
The only bad thing is, it's hard to photograph.
We really liked this chicken.  I served it with rice and spooned a little of the extra sauce over it. Yummy!

Chicken Parisienne
Barbara Brown
Buckeye, AZ

(the wine must make it Parisienne?)

6 medium boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 can cream of mushroom soup
fresh mushrooms to taste (lots)
1 cup sour cream

Place breasts in a baking dish. Salt.  Blend wine into soup. Add mushrooms and pour over chicken.  Bake at 350 for 1 to 1 1/4 hours.
Remove breasts to platter; sprinkle with paprika.  Pour sauce into a pan and blend with sour cream.  Heat gently. 
Serve over rice.

You all remember when Barb said this (in countdown #97, Barb's 24th recipe in the countdown,  March 8th, 2016 ):

I am a bit upset at my daughter.  She has had the audacity to challenge me--the Spelling Nazi--on a word that I had written years ago in my recipe book.  I had a recipe called "Chicken Parisienne" which she feels should be "Parisian"..... I figure if she ever cooks it, she can spell it however she wants.

Well, Barb put this recipe in the Friday Friend cookbook too! So, now---is the argument back on again?
(  by the way, Parisenne chicken is her 30th in the countdown  )
I served this chicken with Kim's Greek Salad (recipe #116 in the FF Countdown)

I have trouble now, coming up with stories, but I found this in a notebook (the secret one I keep about the Friday Friend Forum answers)

Barb's story:
In her own words:
Doug did one of those funny word substitutions the other day.  He was asking if it was the day I was going to the dentist, and when I said yes, he said.... "are they going to knock you up?"   (he meant knock me out), and I replied that I certainly hoped not.

That's a good story and I should leave it at that.
Very funny.
I was cleaning out closets the other day and came across these photos...

This is Dustin.
Dustin is my son.

One time, about  16 years ago, Barb came to his graduation party.  She came all the way from Arizona--to Nevada.
She was so happy.  So happy that it wasn't HOT like Arizona and she could enjoy the warm weather.
See her toes?  She enjoyed that.

She enjoyed herself by the kiddie pool with the relatives from Seattle.  They were enjoying themselves for another reason--they were happy it was warm and not rainy. Warm enough to actually 'swim'.

As much as one can 'swim' in a kiddie pool, that is.
But the point was---the Arizona and the Seattle contingents had something in common.
(altho the Seattle people were a bit more crazy than the Phoenix people, it looks like)

So my good friend (and editor of the original Friday Friend Cookbook) decided to play a game similar to  'Six degrees of separation (or Kevin Bacon) and  went around the party finding something she had in common with everyone. 

And she made me take a picture.
The trouble is...I can't remember what she had in common with most of them.

These three I do tho!

Barb and Friday Friend Robbie Milton, upon their first introduction discovered they were born at the same hospital in Tacoma, Washington. 
Same Hospital
Same year
3 weeks apart.
(by the way, Robbie has FF recipes #27 and #114 in the countdown)
You decide which one is older.

My son's friend David West. (his mom has a couple of recipes in the FF Countdown--she has yet to appear on the blog).  Barb discovered that David also works at a gym.
(Dave was a trainer---Barb, in her words: checked people in and gave them a towel. Also made smoothies.  And kept the place dusted.  And cheered them all up as they drug themselves to the gym at 5am )

And finally--Barb and I both had some dental work done recently, or perhaps we were going to soon.
(from the looks of it, I think we both had a broken tooth. )

And that my friends is Barb's story.  She can make a game out of anything and she can make friends with anyone.

This is Barb's Parisienne Chicken, recipe #117 out of 298.


bermudaonion said...

Barb sounds like a lot of fun!

Julie @ Smiling Shelves said...

This recipe sounds delicious. I'm going to make this one!

Also, Parisienne would be Parisian in French, specifically the female form. (Male would be Parisien.) So that's why they're spelled differently. In case you wanted the mystery solved. :)

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...