Monday, June 26, 2017

Friday Friend Recipe #142 & 143 -- Orange Julius-the taste test

Come with me as I continue to countdown my Friday Friend Cookbook!

What is it, you may ask?

In a nutshell...
About 17 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different categories and we compiled a cookbook.
I decided to count those down!

Because  one night I was looking thru the cookbook and I said, "I should make every recipe in here for my blog"
The Handyman--who thinks he knows me better than I know myself, said,  "you'll never EVER do that."
Well,  maybe I will!  Maybe I'll show him!

Which brings me to recipes #142 and #143 Sadie and/or Barb's Orange Julius

One is made with Tang and one is made with Real Orange Juice. 
While both are good, and truly, they are,  one was clearly the winner for me (and by that I mean that one tasted exactly like a real Orange Julius)

Orange Julius
Sadie Stone
San Francisco, Ca

1 6oz can frozen orange juice
1 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup water
1/4 cup sugar

Blend with ice cubes in a blender till smooth

Orange Julius Mix
Barbara Brown
Buckeye,  AZ

1 3/4 dry milk powder
1 9oz jar Tang
1/2 cup sugar
1 t. vanilla

Stir dry stuff together. Blend in vanilla. Store in airtight container. For one serving: in blender place 1/3 cup mix, 1/2 cup cold water and 2+ ice cubes.  Blend till smooth.

(don't mind the onions in the background.  Who wouldn't check that before taking a picture?  Sheesh!)

One with Tang, one with Orange Juice.

While the Orange Julius 'mix' with Tang tastes great, the one with frozen Orange Juice tastes more like a  'real' orange Julius. (to me)
It doesn't look nearly as vibrant, but--it tastes amazingly like one I used to crave at the mall!
Way back in the day, at the mall, they used to ask if you wanted a raw egg in the blend.  I never had it that way. Anyone else?  And I don't even know if Orange Juliusus are a standard "mall" drink (now they are in with Dairy Queen tho) across the U.S.  Perhaps they are just a Western side of the country thing?

Now that we have established that these are both good drinks, but that I prefer one--you should check them both out for yourself and decide.
One of course is made by our good Friday Friend Editor and original cookbook maker, Barb.  This happens to be her 32nd appearance in the cookbook, so...  I'm not going to talk about her..  I'm going to talk about the maker of my favorite Orange Julius, my  daughter-in-law,  Sadie Stone.
Sadly, Sadie is not married to my son anymore, but Happily, every one has found their "happily ever after" and weddings and much anticipated celebrations are happening soon!

My story tho?  Hmmm--- there are so many to tell.  So very many to tell and  yet, Sadie only has 2, TWO, recipes in this whole countdown --out of 294!
How do I do this in a nutshell...
I've known her since she was a teenager, watched her grow into a wonderful woman--minister--mom--world traveler--activist--adventurer--

ooohhhh---adventurer!  I wanted to be an adventurer too!  I imagined myself racing across the world, doing obstacles, solving riddles, finding clues, eating weird food!
Back when "The Amazing Race" was in it's infancy, before I had grandchildren, I said to Sadie,  "Let's apply for the Amazing Race!   It would be great, they've never had a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law team!
She smiled and said,  "no."
Why I asked? Why???
She smiled and said "because you are too nice."
Huh.  Well.... .  Hmmmm.
Perhaps she is a bit, just a tad, a smidgen, little touch more competitive than I.
We'll never know.
Unless....  we might make an EVEN better team now!!
Whadda ya say?
I can really rock that weird food!!
Sadie you can drive now---with no speed limit in certain European countries, I'll just smile and hang on!!

Minister and activist


World Traveler

And runner
(see?  Sadie you got all the credentials for the Amazing Race.  I will eat a snail!)

That is my Sadie story. 
One day we'll do the Amazing Race!  I'm not getting any younger tho!

Orange Julius!
Recipes #142 and #143
Only 151 more to go!

This should be the end of the story, but I wanted to add besides all those things, she makes great Halloween costumes!

I couldn't let this story go!!
These are my grandchildren, the twins, Eli and Emerson.
As I mentioned, Sadie is a minister and had the kids when she was in Divinity School at Yale.  She made these costumes, Priest and Nun, for their first Halloween. Get it?  Divinity?
That  is funny!!

Later, there was a photo contest where the prize was a really cool double stroller-- it was on the internet and whoever got the most votes for 'cutest' won the stroller.  My son,Mark and Sadie recruited all their friends and family near and far and-- well, they ended up winning!!
One time during the voting period, my father in law, was sleepless, so in the middle of the night, he was on the internet voting away and sent out an email that said, come on people let's get to voting! We laughed when we saw he had been up at 3am voting.
  Then there were notes from friends that would say  "the North Dakota contingent is voting!" (Thanks Gina Lou--who went to visit her inlaws and had the whole small town voting for my grandkids!), but the funniest story was that my friend Robbie--my Friday Night friend--goes each year to visit her friend Theresa, who is a nun, and that year she was visiting during the voting time.
So...all the nuns were sitting around having gin and tonics (it's no joke--Robbie called me--they have gin and tonics every evening) voting for this cute picture above!
The nuns at Sister Theresa's convent LOVED the photo!
I loved that such a big community of Friday Friends helped win the vote! 

Some years later, Sadie also made these costumes for the kids for Halloween...  so cute. 
Just add seamstress to the list above.  (whew--long list)

May I leave you with Mary and Bert.

That's the end!


bermudaonion said...

I never loved an Orange Julius but the rest of my family did. I didn't even know you could still buy Tang.

Katherine P said...

The pictures are adorable and I'm happy Sadie and your son found their happily ever afters though not with each other. And now I'm wishing I had orange concentrate because I NEED an Orange Julius! I miss those!

Tina said...

I'm glad I found a way to comment again. I was having trouble with the format, or maybe it was my tablet. Love the costumes!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...