Monday, January 24, 2022

Friday friend recipe number 292 and 293--My Mom's Holiday Wreath and Salmon Pate Ball


My Friday Friend Cookbook Countdown #292 and #293

My mom's Holiday Wreath and Salmon Pate`

and you know all the whys and wherefores of this countdown, right? Homemade cookbook, friends contributed, Handyman said I couldn't/wouldn't do it, I'll show him, yadda yadda yadda....

...and the rest is cookbook history!

Just remember, the countdown is not all about pretty food and food design---it's about the people and the stories.
And (the most important thing) proving my husband wrong--and that I can and WILL make every recipe in this cookbook

Let me just say, before we go any further, this does not look like a wreath!
I posted cooking photos on Facebook, a few weeks ago and so many people commented on this beautiful POT PIE. It really is just a fancy pot pie---and delicious I should say.  It's a great filling! Use it--and if you feel so inclined make this "crust" and send me a photo of how a 'wreath' should look.

Here are my mother's directions (take note that she is laughing at me in heaven because I can't follow directions and have no patience to work at it a little bit--I  got frustrated and threw it all on top and tried to do a 'knot'.)

Here we see it looking like a starfish, or a star-sun.

And here I am just frustrated and instead of trying my best to make a wreath, I just twisted the top knot!
(this is why I am not a crafter---I have zero patience for being creative)

But it looked pretty--that is, until you learned that it wasn't supposed to look like this AT ALL--and it tasted great.

And then I made my mom's Salmon Pate Cheeseball.
If you like salmon, smoked flavor and cream cheese--
then you can't go wrong with this cheeseball.

And this my friends is my mother's 48 appearance in the Friday Friend Cookbook Countdown!
You may see all of her recipes here--just click.

I've talked about my mom and dad's love story a million times,
lived in the same small town
grew up on the same block
played hide and seek with neighborhood kids when they were 10
he tried to kiss her in the chicken coop....

Wait, wait--WHAT?
How do I know for sure?
Don't take my word for it (although I've heard it my whole life)
take theirs....
February 20, 1999 (my mother answers family questions so I can have them in print.  Because I'm a nerd like that.)
My first Boy-Girl kiss was with your father.  We were young--in grade school--and played outside with the neighbor kids all of the time. There was no TV. We were playing hide and seek, and your dad always helped me hide so the other kids wouldn't find me. Well, anyway, he hid me in a chicken coop next door, and he hid with me.  It was pitch dark in there and he leaned over to kiss me and missed and kissed the wall!
Pretty romantic, right?

And my dad:
I'm sure your mother and I will have the same answer for this one and I know you've heard of it. 
We were playing hide and seek as neighborhood kids will do and she hid in the neighbor's woodshed/chicken coop.  She, of course, being the loose woman* she has always been, wanted me to find her.  I did!  And went for the big lebowski, missed and kissed the woodshed wall. They were very rough cedar boards and I think it took me a week at least to pick all the splinters out of my lips.

*My dad always thought he was funny.  My mother was not a loose woman.  They were 10.
Also, I read their letters (after they died) from college and the Marine Corp.  I know all their secrets!

And why am I taking pictures of her in jail?  Because....
...well, I'll let my mother explain:
My first date was with Larry McFetridge.  He was a year older than me, and I thought he was neat.  Now I don't know what I ever saw in him. Anyway, we went to a school dance.  Your dad asked me to dance, and we ditched Larry.
I still feel bad about that! 
I did date him a few more times though.
I was a freshman, and he was a sophomore and he drove and had a car!

 You should be in jail---to ditch a guy like that.
But I guess he didn't hate you forever, as you went out with him a few more times.  Plus, you knew him your whole life.  He got over you and you were friends. Or friendly at least--when you ran into each other.
He had a car--sheesh! 
You used him for his car--jailable offense!
You ditched him at a school dance--jailable offense!

It's a good thing that this isn't hereditary!
Or.... is it?
Hmmmm----to be continued.........

As a little epilogue --and excerpt from my family questions file, dated April 28, 2000, when I asked them about dinner time--
first, my mother:
We ate dinner at 6pm.  It was at the same time every night. Your father would leave me just before we ate and then every night he would call during the dinner.  It used to make my dad sooooooo mad!!! 
But that was love.

My dad, who apparently had time to make a phone call as his family ate later:
We ate dinner usually around 7pm, sometimes later if I had someplace to go.

And these my friends are

recipes #292 and #293

Only 74 left to go!

I can do it!

WOO HOO!  I am below 100 recipes now.  Yay!  Yahoo! Whoopie!

Altho.... do you remember when I counted wrong before?  I think I did it again.
I keep counting what I have left by recipe AND by person and it does not add up to 74- it's more like 64. 
Which would make me very happy, but for now.... I'll stick to the 74 until it gets closer to the end, and I'll recount what I have left.

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The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...