I just have to..."have to" because it's my deadline, post this "article" on Operation Baking Gals. I have to turn it in today.... and being that I'm a procrastinator, I'm still trying to find out some info about my soldier. (I know when his birthday is, when his wedding anniversary is, that he likes to tease his sisters... but all the "military" info... not so much. Because. ..I procrastinated!! )
I will post this now, and then again when time is drawing nearer to the sign ups... cuz I know you'll be wanting to sign up and send goodies...
Join Team "Friday Friends" for Baking Gals: Round 9
Round 9 is here for the Baking Gals (Give a little support).
This is the first time that I have hosted a "baking" round, so maybe I'm the one who needs a little support...Won't you join me in baking for our troops?
I think we've chosen a fine young soldier to bake for this time.
Specialist Luke Haaglund of the Nevada Army National Guard.
Round 9 is here for the Baking Gals (Give a little support).
This is the first time that I have hosted a "baking" round, so maybe I'm the one who needs a little support...Won't you join me in baking for our troops?
I think we've chosen a fine young soldier to bake for this time.
Specialist Luke Haaglund of the Nevada Army National Guard.

Luke is a shirt-tail relative of mine, he is my daughter-in-law, Sadie's brother.
We've spent a few holidays together--the dinner part of the holidays anyway. The part where you eat, you sit together and visit and tell stories and have great food.
And that's what I want to send to Luke and his troops as they arrive in Afghanistan-- great baked goods from a group of great bakers/bloggers.
Luke and his wife Danielle have been married for almost 6 years and make their home in Reno, Nevada.
All of Luke's troops are from the great state of Nevada and have just arrived in Afghanistan as we speak (or write...or blog...)
here is a photo of the guys who will be on the receiving end of our boxes of baked goodies... (Luke is the one in the sun glasses)

This is Luke's first tour overseas and I know that homesickness must have settled upon them all just about now.
Please help me in letting them know that we think about them and wish them safety and a quick return home to their loved ones.
Here is what you do if you want to join me:
1) e-mail me and let me know you want to join TEAM FRIDAY FRIENDS.
2) go to BakingGals site and join team Friday Friends from the round 9 teams. Sign ups begin on May 23rd.
3) Shipping Dates for Round 9 are June 1st thru the 10th.
4) e-mail me a picture of your goodies and package contents and a link to your blog post. (if you have a blog...YOU don't have to have a blog to participate, just e-mail me the info)
5) BE SURE and do both #1 and #2 so that I know who is on my team. Thanks.
I will post the round-up on my blog once the shipping period is over and I have received all the pictures.
Any treats will be appreciated but try to stay away from too much chocolate (ch chip cookies are okay, Hershey bars are not), as it gets very hot in route.
You may include (but it is optional):
a post card or brochure of your town
a short letter/note telling about yourself
beef jerky
hard candy...star bursts, jolly ranchers, jelly beans, blow pops, hot tamales, life savers, etc
I will post Luke's mailing address through the BakingGals site bulletin once you have joined, as well as send it out to you in an e-mail.
Thanks!!! You can do it!!! We can do it!!
Enlist now.
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