This is what I wish was really outside my kitchen window!! What I really want to see right now. :~)
Eli and Emerson.
They are doing so well.
That is Eli with his mom, and Emerson getting changed by her mom. She's a teeny little thing, but look at her looking at her mom! They sent me a video yesterday of this (the changing), and when Sadie said something, Emerson's eyes went right up to Sadie's face.
(ahhhh.... )
And then look at that contraption they have to change them thru... the isolette. No one would find that easy!!

What's outside my kitchen window right now?
I was actually standing "outside" my kitchen window, where I took the same set of photos I've been taking from inside.

My friend Terri from "Terries Table" asked me why I always say that my yard "doesn't look to bad now" and "I'm really greening up"?
She said it looked very nice.
Well, I say it, because, I can see what is just down the street from me...THE DESERT.
My yard is not fancy, by any stretch of the imagination, and we have a dog, who makes a path, but we do work at making it a nice place to have people over, or to read a book in, or to just sit and have your morning coffee.
So, yes, my yard looks nice, but really.... if you could only look outside my upstairs windows! You could see sagebrush for miles and miles.
Check out my "big backyard" blog for further info on how we're coming along with our garden.
And Check out, My Desert Walk, to see what is really just down the street.
And don't forget to check out both Terri's and Karen's yards/gardens/blogs. They both have fun blogs to check out as well as they are putting up with me and showing me every Wednesday "What's outside Their Kitchen Window". Just click on their names for a link.
Before I get to that "good little sandwich" I told you about yesterday, I have to tell you that I went for a walk this morning. It was my 2-mile day. And I wore my new walking shoes. Lots better on my weak ankle.
As I was walking....alone, because the Handy-man does not feel well (he has a cold and he's GROUCHY, when he doesn't feel well, so I left him in bed at 5:00 a.m. this morning).
One of the nice things about a small town, is that you run into people you know all the time. But really, do I need to at 5:30 a.m.?
I guess I do.... there was Mitzi's husband Larry, riding his bike, and my friend Gini walking her dog, and my neighbor walking with a cup of coffee in hand, Jean's husband walking in his orange vest (he goes very early and for a very long way, it's dark when he starts..and he's an engineer, he is "safe" )
But me? I roll out of bed, sift thru my closet to find the pile of walking cloths I left there on Tuesday. It's dark, I can't find my bra, do I dare go without? 2 different socks.. I notice this when I'm putting on my shoes downstairs, too late to turn back now.
I went to bed without washing my face, I have two black raccoon circles of mascara under my eyes. My hair is flat on one side, sticking out to high heaven on the other side, I don't brush my teeth...
I leave the house......and meet......tons of people I know, out walking like fools at 5:30 in the morning!!! (and they look much better than me!)
We have a deli in town called Uncle Ham's Deli. I get e-mail blasts from them every day telling their breakfast and lunch specials. Last week, they had a grilled mozzarella, tomato and basil sandwich.
That sounded good to me, so I bought the stuff to make them, for when we needed a fast meal this week. (which turns out to be every night ).
Tuesday in the mail, I got the new Taste of Home magazine and in it there is a recipe for a sandwich just like that one, from Stacy Johnson of Tacoma, WA.
Only she added a slice of sweet onion and some wasabi sauce to hers. And they made toast, didn't grill the whole thing.
That's what I did!!
We needed a fast meal.... after work, our grandson had a baseball game, then we ran to Wal-mart, then home, so we had these sandwiches at 7:50 pm on Tuesday night.
I liked them a lot. My husband....not so much. Although he did eat two of them.
I should have used "toast", but I tried to grill the whole thing...AND I tried to do it fast, because we were so late...and so hungry.
As you can tell by the picture (in which you can mostly see Doritos ) I didn't do a good grilling job. I was in a HURRY.
(we had to get our plates together to sit in front to the TV and watch NCIS. )
Anyway, as I said, I liked the sandwiches.
Fresh Mozzarella Sandwiches
sourdough bread, toasted
wasabi mayonnaise
fresh mozzarella cheese, sliced
tomato slices
sweet onion slices
fresh basil leaves
And then take a better picture than I did. LOL

You know the Friday Friends history? It's on my my profile.
Anyway, Tracie is an original Friday Friend. She does not have a blog, but in the FF forum, she sent pictures of her garden too.
And her "Handy Man". And her dog, who is just sure there is a bird in the bush!
Traci's garden in pretty, sunny, central California.

Those babies are so cute! And you do have a lovely backyard! I could happily eat one of those sandwiches there.
The babies are sooo tiny. My first, all those years ago, weighed less than 3 pounds, so I can sympathize with all of you. She's fine --- gorgeous with multiple degrees --- and given the state of medicine today, I'm sure the twins will be too. I did laugh at the recounting of meeting folks so early in the morning. We use to joke about a similar curse - if the first time someone sees your house it's in need of tending, they will never see it clean. I'm sure you looked gorgeous and just don't want to shame the rest of us :).
What beautiful babies! I know you'd love to get your hands on them and hold them!
Your yard is so lovely, a wonderful place to relax!
I'm so glad E&E are doing well. I think I already told you somewhere, but your yard looks great!
The babies, the backyard and the food all look like heaven!
Oh those precious little angels. They are absolutely PERFECT! Good for you getting out and walking so early.. never fails you always run inot someone when you never expect too.. Fresh mozzarella in a sandwich sounds terrific to me!
Babies, a relaxing backyard, and food, what more could you ask for.
What a great place; I think the babies would make it all the better. They are so sweet!
LOL, I LOVE you telling us the truth about your morning walk. I have gone out with racoon eyes before, but never without the bra. LOL
I'm glad the babies are doing well!!
Thanks for the update on the twinners they look perfect. I love your yard remember we live in a desert.
Okay, first of all, those babies are just precious! And that sandwich looks delicious. But, girl, your backyard looks fantastic! I know how hard you work at it because I lived in Gardnerville for about a year. What is that you have growing on the lattice by your patio?? Inquiring minds want to know!
LOVE the baby photos...SO precious!
I would love to come and read or hang out in your yard! It's so beautiful!!!!
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