I've had a big past few days. My son and daughter in law delivered twins a couple of months early. So, the past couple days have been a lot of phone calling, up in the middle of the night, worry, happiness and thankfulness...everything that comes with new babies, and a little bit more with preemies.
I am also a HUGE procrastinator. I get things done. In my job I have to. I work as the executive director of a Chamber of Commerce and we put on events, thru-out the year, monthly luncheon meetings, a do a newsletter, update the web-sit and a monthly newspaper page. But....I do it all at the last minute. And I do a good job of it. That's the trouble with procrastinators who do a good job....we are not inclined to become "non" procrastinators. But the pressure is horrible! We wait... we will even do NOTHING the day before something is due, and then the pressure, oh.... we work under the guillotine of a deadline!! All of our own making, of course.
A couple of weeks ago, I ordered Gloria Chadwick's cookbook "Foods and Flavors of San Antonio".
And I signed up for a challenge/round up "Second Sunday San Antonio", where we all make the same dish, blog about it and Gloria will do a round-up on her blog, on the .....second Sunday in the month.

Guess what? THAT'S TOMORROW!!! In two hours....... I have two hours to get this done.
I could use the excuse that the twins were just born and I was tired and........
I can feel that guillotine getting ready to fall!
But, today I was on top of things. I made the dish! I had a nice, leisurely afternoon and made this wonderful dish, "Pork Enchiladas with Tomatilla Sauce".
It was chosen (out of Gloria's Cookbook) by Teirsa of Chef Bliss.
If you are the "first" to post about the recipe of the month, then you get to chose the recipe for the following month.
Never fear, this procrastinator, will never have the pleasure of choosing the recipe. (darn it!)
I think this challenge is one I can keep up with...once a month is easy. Easier. For me. The Procrastinator.
The recipe was easy to make even tho we made our sauce from scratch.
We love pork and we love corn tortillas.
The only bad thing was, that I had never worked with Serrano chilies before. Jalapenos, yes, but Serranos no. I cut them, seeded them, chopped them, added them to the sauce and my husband, the handyman....OK RICH, his name is Richard. I am not a pet-name person, try as I might.
Rich was eating some chips and salsa while he watched me cook, after working with the Serrano chilies, I reached over and took a chip and little bit of salsa. This salsa was not hot, but my lips burned and burned and burned! Oh my gosh, the oil from my hands was on the chip. Serranos are hot.
But not too hot for the tomatillo sauce... it was good. I think the tomatillos gave it a slight sweet flavor.
If you like "flavors" of the Southwest, Tex-Mex, you'll love Gloria's cookbook. I think I'm going to have fun each month with this challenge.
For the recipe for the Pork Enchiladas, go check out Gloria's website
I did not "tweak" the recipe... I followed it word for word. It was so GOOD!!
Yum! It all looks great! Congrats again on the babies!
Debbie, the enchiladas look wonderful! Thanks for participating in Second Sunday San Antonio. I had to laugh when I read your post... I'm a procrastinator, too. :)
From one procrastinator to another... cheers... the enchiladas and 'ritas look great!
This looks fantastic, congratulations!
These look so good I can't wait to eat my leftovers today!! LOL!! Even though I chose the recipe I was really late in getting mine made also - just under the wire. Yours look so scrumptious, and I have just enough of mine for lunch today!! Great post, and I'm loving the margaritas. I think they are always appropriate!! Nice to meet a fellow procrastinator! Congrats on the babies, fabulous!!
You outdid yourself! Congratulations on the grand babies!
Oh My! This all looks incredible. All of it. I have to try these enchiladas, and that sauce so deliicous sounding.
Debbie, these enchiladas look delicious! I've never worked with serranos before either, so I am glad for the extra info.
Have fun with those lovely babies!
Your post was the last straw! I have been procrastinating buying Gloria's book. No more. I just ordered it. Those enchiladas look delicious!
Congrats on the babies! As a resident of SA, I have to say, this looks mighty fine!
These look fabulous!
Congratulations on the TWO new little bundles of joy to love. :)
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