Sunday, July 18, 2010

A good weekend

Another weekend drawing to a close.......they tend to do that so fast. I wish there was a way to make them last longer, but until that happens, I guess we just have to enjoy what we can.

As you know, I live in the high desert of Northern Nevada, about 160 miles from Reno. We spent the weekend in Reno with our good friends John and Robbie Milton.

I realize that Reno isn't Manhattan. Reno isn't Chicago, Rene isn't Seattle or San Francisco, or even Las Vegas... but I like my little skyline. There is just something so "wondrous" about looking down on a city at night, from high above in your motel or apartment.
It is even more wondrous when you have a camera that can actually "take" that picture that you find so amazing.

As seen here, my camera takes pictures of "aliens" hiding in Reno!! Hidden to the naked eye. (we did stop at Best Buy and look at new cameras.... the handyman likes to research and think about and think about and think about something before he doles out almost $1000. That's how much the Nikon Camera I want, costs)

That is the Handyman....getting in my way again!

My friend Robbie.

Anyway..... Reno Trip.
This is where we stayed.

I have almost finished "Eclipse", I read it on the trip to and from Reno and some on Saturday morning. I am not a HUGE Twilight series fan, but I do hate to be left out, so I read each one before I see the movie. It's good.  But I am ready to move on to other books.... a bit too much teenage angst for me.

What we ate in Reno:
( but first I must say that Robbie went for a two mile walk around Virginia Lake on Saturday morning. I'm not so sure it helped with these calories tho.....)

Friday Night, Mexican Food at Miguel's. I highly recommend it.  It's on Virginia Street, if you go.

Not the best picture, but I couldn't go stand in the middle of the street.

These are the owners, Addy and Elmer. Friends of Robbie's

These are our husbands.....thinking, COME ON, lets go.

Saturday morning: fresh berry crepes at Biscotti's (in the Peppermill Casino). No picture. but great crepes!

Saturday night: Italian food at La Strada (in the El Dorado Casino). We had the Chef's choice...and I forgot to take pictures. So, I quickly snapped one of my already eaten plate. Mushroom ravioli....Yum.

Our friends, John and Robbie

Sunday morning: Breakfast at the StoneHouse.

The Handyman had ham and eggs, I had blueberry french toast. Nothing better than eating breakfast outside on a nice summer morning. I wish I had gotten a picture of the Stonehouse. It's really nice. It's a stone house.

So, that's what we ate.

What did we do? The guys had a golf tournament to "watch" and Robbie and I went to the Art Museum, and I got in trouble.

 I took some pictures inside---I didn't see a sign saying not to, so I snapped 3 pics and the guards came out of the woodwork to tell me to put my camera away. It was the artwork of Fernando Botero. A Latin American Artist who paints in the Baroque tradition---like the Rubenesque women, who are "pudgy".....well he makes everyone VERY chubby.

Here is Jesus.
And a  priest.

 And Adam and Eve.
I'm not sure why Adam gets a leaf and poor Eve doesn't?

And Robbie, looking at a sculpture.

Then, down in the lobby where it was okay to photograph this sculpture. She was huge!!

All of his artwork was huge. The Paintings were well over 6-7 feet tall. It's hard to tell from a photograph.

I've always liked  this sculpture they have outside the museum

In the afternoon, we went to a bookstore, an independent, The Sundance, and walked in on an author reading, so we sat to listen.
Best known as a leader of the Indian takeover of Alcatraz Island in 1969, Adam Fortunate Eagle now offers an unforgettable memoir of his years as a young student at Pipestone Indian Boarding School in Minnesota. In this rare firsthand account, Fortunate Eagle lives up to his reputation as a "contrary warrior" by disproving the popular view of Indian boarding schools as bleak and prisonlike.

He was very entertaining. I'm glad we got to listen to his talk. His book about the Indian Boarding Schools, Is "Pipestone"

It was a great weekend.
And to work tomorrow. Must bring home the bacon. And the champagne. (cuz I bought some while in Reno and now I have to pay for it!)


bermudaonion said...

That does sound like a fun weekend - food, art and books! I laughed about you getting in trouble - that sounds like something I'd do.

Karen said...

Sounds like a fun weekend and yummy eats, too! I love the wire sculpture of the man with rocks, but why is he on his knees, leaning over like that? It looks like he's about to be sick! LOL

Terri said...

Fun weekend! I love La Strada and I never had a bad meal there. Next time try Sushi Club (if you like sushi, that is). All you can eat, but not a buffet and their Mountain Rolls are to die for! Really miss that place.

Pam said...

What a great weekend! Lots of good food, friends and all!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...