Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday Snapshot

Today is Saturday--and that means it's time for Saturday Snapshot!!   I get very excited when I get to randomly post any picture or pictures I want.  And there is even  a reason for it---Saturday Snapshot, as I mentioned.  Hooray for  Alyce from At Home With Books for hosting this fun weekly meme.  (as you can tell, it's one of my favorites)

Today, I bring you libraries, because.... well, I don't really know why... I just love them.  And a few weeks ago, I asked my friends,  30 of my closest friends to please take pictures of their libraries and send them to me.  3 of them did!!  I thought since they went to all that hard work, I should share.
THANK YOU FRIENDS for taking your time.

Libraries are having a tough time of things in this economy.  Some counties are cutting hours that they are open, cutting funding for books and tech material.
Kind of off subject, but we live in rural Nevada and we have a book mobile program to reach ranching communities that are 90 miles out and more.  We are in danger of losing our Bookmobile program.

Fun info about the Bookmobiles in the United States:
While bookmobile services have slightly declined over the past two decades, the bookmobile remains an integral part of the American cultural landscape. With the exception of Maine, all U.S. states offer traveling branch library service, with  Kentucky leading the pack at 98 bookmobiles!

I say  YAY Kentucky!!
and now...on to the libraries (whose funding I hope never gets cut):
(fair warning...there are lots of pictures)

First up..
the little library in my little town. Nevada.

Then we'll travel to California

then to Montana

About the "old" library:

The Old Library Gallery is a retail fine art gallery featuring original art work by Montana artists and fine craftsmen. We offer originals in graphite pencil, pastels, oils, watercolors, photography, jewelry, pottery, wood, cards, and unique made in Montana gift items. All work is by professional full time artists.Featured artist, Don Greytak, pencil originals and signed limited edition prints all begin here!The Gallery is located in one of the oldest historic buildings in town, a former 1914 two story brick Carnegie Library.

The new library is called "Havre-Hill County City Library". (Havre is in Hill County)

and off to Pennsylvania

The front picture of our library looks very much like other PA libraries built by Andrew Carnegie at the turn of the century.
the side view is where you actually enter the library and this addition has the majority of the books for as small as it is.
the old section is lots of wood paneling, big windows and cold, has the seating area, periodicals and adult fiction.

In the basement is the children's, books for sale room, and meeting rooms. you can't see but the edition has a southwest
look to it, with tiles at the top or something. Totally not in character with the rest of the building or anything around these parts.
it just looks wrong.

and back to Washington State where I grew up:

This is the new library--the new branch.
It's even open on SUNDAYS!!  I love a community who knows the value of being open when needed.

This tho, is the library downtown  (same town) where I would ride my bike all summer and do the  SUMMER READING PROGRAM.  I loved that so much.

Want to see inside the 'new' library?
Even tho I love the library where I live--this seems much more efficient than what we do.
We don't trust people to do express checkout.  (laughing at myself because I am on the library board here)

If I could pick my favorite look--it would be the older buildings or the brand new/modern looking buildings for the library.

Do you love your library?
If you send me your pic I'll post it. Or if you post it yourself, send me the link.

I love to see how they look.


bermudaonion said...

I love Carnegie libraries! I can put a hold on a book at our library and never see a soul when I go to pick it up. The holds shelves are self service and there is a self service check out.

Karen said...

Nice! I never heard of the self-check out thing.

Kaye said...

Here in Podunk there is no such thing as open on Sunday or express checkout. Our library has cut their hours by 2 a day. Phooey on that!

Trish said...

What a fun way to feature libraries! I like that old one in Montana best. It's a lovely old building with huge windows - a great combination.

Eva @View from the Hillside said...

What a wonderful collection of libraries.
I think you might be interested in seeing some pictures of a new library from over here. I haven't been to it yet, but would love to some day, Vennesla bibliotek.

Cheryl @ Tales of the Marvelous said...

I love that elegant old one in Montana! Someday I must post pictures of all the libraries that have been important to me... :)

Anonymous said...

This was just lovely. Libraries - my favorite places - except for bookstores. LOL

Loved the look of the new library, but of course, the older ones are special too. So, how well does the differentiated return drop work out. It would certainly be helpful for staff, but do people really divide it up? :-)

Michelle B said...

Very cool, Debbie!

I was also wondering about the returns designated for adults, children, media.

Alyce said...

I do love my library, and hope that someday they are open on Sundays. :)

Cathy said...

I love libraries. Thanks for the tour!

Louise said...

I love libraries too. My small town library in Australia is open 7 days a week. It's interesting to see your libraries, but sad to know that they are plagued by funding problems.

Tina said...

I love libraries. My library card is the best card in my wallet. It takes me so many places!
If I get out and snap a shot of my local library I will send it to you for sure.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...