Friday, March 16, 2012

What's going on

I'm sitting here this morning drinking my coffee  (The Handyman made Folgers this morning.  He got up first.   I make  Dunkin' Donuts if I get up before him.  He REFUSES to use the DD!  He says you can't tell the difference....but you can.  It's an ongoing dispute between us) and my mind is in a fuddle.

We had camera class last night, and the instructor threw in MATH.   WTH?   WHAT THE HECK???    I don't do math.

The Handyman, who sits across the aisle from me, was laughing at me.  He knew I totally  lost.  LOST I TELL YOU.

These are my  handwritten notes from last night...
F stops  & shutter speeds
critical role in exposure

E=I x T
x   n     i
p   t      m
o   e     e     (shutter)
s    n
u   s
r    i
e    t
       y    (aperture)

That's exactly what (and how)  I wrote in my notebook!!!   E =  I x T

That's algebra.    And I have no idea what it means.


In other news.... LOOK AT THESE!!

My new cabinets!!   Hand made by Larry Storm.  (they are sitting in my garage, while we pull out our old cabinets (starting this weekend) and Larry is making me a COOK BOOK SHELF! He is the coolest.  PLUS, I have some cool nooks and crannies now.  Not me with the nooks and crannies--silly--but the cabinets.   I love them.)

They are gorgeous.   And will be replacing these:

Which at the time, when I had a French  Country look going on, were nice too.  Now there is no yellow or red anywhere in my kitchen.
And I have a new floor and  a new stove.    and no huge basil plant on my counter, or other clutter.  ~smiles~

BUT  back to the cabinets!!!

One night, about  8 weeks ago,  we had our friends the Storms over to dinner, they were admiring the new tile floor the Handyman had put in.    Then Larry said,  you need to do something with your cupboards.  I said,  I know, we're going to paint them.
He said, don't do that, I'll build you some.
He said he was bored this winter and needed something to do....we just supply the materials.  (He built their home from the ground up by  hand, so we knew how talented he is)....

.....and the rest is HISTORY!!!   Yay Larry!!  Yay Larry!!

These following two pics were taken when he was just beginning.

Thank you Larry....SO MUCH!!

I can't wait to show you when they're all done!!
(you as in  YOU dear reader)


bermudaonion said...

Um, the next time Larry is hungry, send him this way, I'll feed him!! Be sure to show us photos of your new kitchen!!

Karen said...

He is seriously talented - the cupboards are gorgeous! I didn't understand your algebra and I would have been totally lost, too. Math does not fit in my head.

~~louise~~ said...

I'm a Dunkin' Donuts gal too. You can imagine how thrilled I was to discover the little pods for my Keurig machine!!!

Drop dead gorgeous cabinets, Debbie. They look awesome with nooks and crannies too. You lucky girl! Can't wait to see them assembled.

Thanks so much for sharing...

Eva @View from the Hillside said...

I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your cabinets when it's all finished.
I'm taking a photo class too, so I actually understand what you're going through. We muddled around with shutter speeds and f-stops last week and now we have homework involving focus depths (involves f-stop, zoom and distance from motive).
I'm driving all my nearest and dearest, includind the cat and my sister's dog, mental by taking photos of them all the time. Telling them "I'm not interested in you, I just need something to focus on." Click, click, click...."darn, I set the WB wrong".
But, it's so much fun!

Anonymous said...

I don't do math. Never did, never will. Can't wait to see pics of your new cabinets in your new kitchen!

Lynda said...

Can't wait to see your cabinets installed-they look gorgeous just laying in the garage.

Susan Lindquist said...

Math, schmath ... that's what I say! However, Larry sure knows math so ... and aren't you glad!?! Can't wait to see the final kitchen product! Yippee for you!

Tina said...

Wow- I can't wait to see them! I like the looks of your kitchen, the layout.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...