Sunday, July 22, 2012


The Handyman and I went to church this morning---this is nothing new, but, well----

bear with me a bit...

Gathering Time:

Pew #1

Pew #2

The Pastor 
(who happens to be my daughter-in-law, giving her first sermon at her new church)

We had a great time as we skipped attending our church in town and gathered with friends (my DIL'S aunt and uncle, cousins) to watch as her sermon and church service was live-streamed on the Internet.  We had our coffee cups, donuts, some fruit.  

She did a great job!  She always does. We're very proud of her.    And....I think the  Handyman liked going to church in a living room a little too much.  (we'll see if he's in a pew next week or a living room sitter/watcher)

And this picture below is of "The Children's Time" in the service.
Not a great pic  --- but they are all taken of a TV screen downloaded from a computer--  but my grandbabies are in there!  So, of course I had to share.....and you can't see a thing.

It was a fun Sunday morning.

Other Sunday happenings:
I finished a book.
Now I'm going to make some  Summer Corn Fettecine.


bermudaonion said...

I think it's wonderful that you got to witness her service even though you couldn't be there.

Karen said...

I didn't know they have a new church! Did they move to Palo Alto? My younger sister watches her son's (and DILs) live stream from their church in Portland. When they walk up the aisle, my nephew turns around and waves to his mom in CA. Haha.

Kathy Walker said...

How wonderful that you were able to "be there"!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...