Sunday, April 7, 2013

Weekend Cooking

I have a bit of an obsessive personality.  It comes out in strange ways, at strange time, with strange things.  Never has it come out in  dieting and exercising (sigh), but in things like collecting cookbooks (or skeleton keys or clocks).

See this picture?  That's the top of my kitchen book shelf.  There are 6 shelves on it and they are all full.  Most of my cookbooks are stored here, but not all of my cookbooks are.  

I love having all my cookbooks at my finger tips.
I want my friends to think ---WOW!  
But most of them think  WTH?
I want them to think--that is so cool, she has a lovely collection of cookbooks.
But most of them think--no sane person needs that many cookbooks.

We have had two of our grandchildren for a week, (I took the train with them last weekend) and today we drove  3 hours to meet their dad, who also drove over  3 hours for the trade-off.  
On the drive, I took some cookbooks with me and started to bookmark things I wanted to make.

BECAUSE, I tend to buy a cookbook, read it and put it on the shelf never to be looked at again.  Well, I look at them all the time, because I love them, but I don't always use them like I should.    I am thinking the colorful little page makers will call out to me each week as I'm making my menu.

I had 6 hours in a car and it just seemed like a good idea at the time.  I plan on going thru every cookbook and marking things I want to make.  (see?  a bit obsessive,  as I have over 200 cookbooks)
Rich  (the Handyman) says I will die before I get them all made, OR before I read all the books I want to read-- but I am hopeful  And what is life without hope?

That's what I did today.  I lead an exciting life.

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs.

She says random thoughts.  See?  Right there above.  Random thoughts.  
That's what this is:  a Weekend Cooking random thought.

I am linking up to Weekend Cooking at  Beth Fish Reads.

Oh...and PS:  I found Ginger Beer here in our little town.  I've been looking for Ginger Beer for a few months now.  
I want to try a "Dark and Stormy"  (dark rum, ginger beer and lime)
just because I can.


Kathy Walker said...

Too challenge yesterday was to weed out some of the cookbooks that are decoration shelves, counters and cupboards!! The problem was that I kept reading through and flagging recipes to try...I have enough to last a lifetime!! :-)

bermudaonion said...

Aha, I can comment now! I have quite a few cookbooks and used to go through them pretty regularly but I'm hardly cooking now that Carl's working 2 jobs.

Karen said...

You crack me up. I love all those little tabs. I used to have one of those white duck tureen's like on your top shelf... had it for years and sold it at a yard sale last year.

mairi @ Toast said...

I can totally relate so I find it all quite normal ;)

Heather said...

I have culled my cookbooks a few times, now i am down to the keepers. i try to rotate with ones I use otherwise I would use the same ones all the time and never try new recipes. ocassionally I'll bring an old one upstairs and try a few new recipes. Always fun to try new dishes.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...