Saturday, May 11, 2013

Saturday Snapshot

Pine trees just aren't made to grow in the desert. 
It's a fact.

Even tho the Handyman had high hopes and kept watering it and watering it, it just wouldn't make a comeback.

A lot of Blue Spruce and Scotch Pine trees are planted around here (the Nevada high desert), and they will grow for a while---sometimes a long, long while  (years) but a lot of times, they will die early.   It's a chance we all take when we plant an evergreen in the dessert.  There just isn't enough water and the soil is too dry and sandy--it doesn't hold onto moisture no matter how much you water.

Yesterday Rich had to do it---he  chopped down our dead Blue Spruce tree.

It's easy to take part--just post a picture taken by you or someone you know and link up!


Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

It is a sad day when a tree has to come down. For some reason I am more aware of the life in trees than in other plants.

Karen said...

I never liked the look of pine trees in the desert... to me they just look out of place.

Cheryl @ Tales of the Marvelous said...

Always sad, but sometimes it has to happen. I like the contrast of the growing green branches above the dead brown tree...there's still other life happening!

Christine Harding said...

I went on a walk round the tree trail at a local park this week and was surprised to learn dead trees are kept because they provide valuable habitats for birds, animals, insects and other plants - but you can only do that in certain environments, and there must be times when it's not safe. My Snapshot is at

Ali said...

We have native Ponderosa pine trees in the desert here, but it's the high desert so it's a different habitat. Sorry the tree didn't make it after your husband worked so hard!

Brona said...

I also have an aversion to (introduced) pine trees. They kill the grass underneath them and it's impossible to grow anything else around them. We do have some local native pines (Norfolk and Wollemi to name two) that do well by the beach or in the forest where they belong!
At least you have other lovely trees growing around you and you can look forward to planting something else there now :-)

Paulita said...

Ah, so sad to see a tree not make it. Here's Mine

Louise said...

Dead trees are always sad to see.

Tina said...

Bummer......I can not look out my kitchen window without being blocked by pines. It is sad to lose a tree though.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...