Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Outdoor Wednesday

It is spring in Northern Nevada.

I love to see the changes that take place thru our seasons ---we have a different spring than in most places. It can be 80 degrees one day and then it will snow the next.

Then, a week after it snows on June 1st--summer will arrive and it will be 100 degrees and stay that way for the next few months.

I walk every  morning at 5:30am.  (5 or 6 mornings a week--altho I like to say EVERY morning.  It's my goal)   
Our Community Garden is not too far from my home, so every so often on our morning walks, I'll make the Handyman take a tour to see whats happenin'.
It's fun for me to see the changes that take place in the different seasons.  Rich (the Handyman) on the other hand, says nothig changes. (sigh)

But,  for the rest of the spring, summer and fall, I'll keep on walking thru the Community Garden every couple of weeks, and I'll keep taking pictures and the Handyman will keep rolling his eyes.

I'm going to link this to "Outdoor Wednesday"  at A Southern Daydreamer's blog.  She does this weekly meme and it's fun to see how different people choose to share their 'outdoors' each week.


bermudaonion said...

Getting up at 5:30 to walk is dedication! Your community garden is lovely! Do you have a plot in there?

Light and Voices said...

Hey, I like that sign with Joyce with the hat on picking flowers. Congratulations on walking at 5:30 everyday.
JM Illinois

Susan Lindquist said...

I love the whimsy that your community garden uses in its artwork! I've gotta make me one of those tin man sculptures! Love it! Good for you guys getting into and staying in the walking routine! Go to it! I try, but we have horrible blackflies that really pester! So ... I try to walk on breezy mornings or later in the afternoon heat when the flies head for the shade ...

Karen said...

Cute garden... looks like lots of space for people to plant their veggies!

buying rs gold said...

I really like the whimsy that your group lawn uses in its artwork! I've have to create me one of those tin man sculptures! Love it! Excellent for you people getting into and remaining in the strolling routine!
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The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...