Monday, September 30, 2013

Musing Monday

What do you do when life gets in the way, and you just don’t have much time to read? Do you complain? Do you accept it? Do you do everything in your power to make time to read? Share your thoughts!

What do I do?  I quit blogging.  I am truly an introvert and when life gets too hectic  (and my job can be kind of hectic at times and I deal with people a lot) I just go into hermit mode when I can and curl up and read.

That's why I'm quiet on here (this blog) sometimes.  I just need to refuel.  On books. And quiet time.

(sigh) who am I kidding?  I  never have quiet time.  It's only in my dreams.

Musing Mondays is a weekly meme hosted by  Should Be Reading.  You are welcome to join in.


bermudaonion said...

I have quiet time in my dreams too! Actually, I dream of staying in my pjs all day but the only way that's gonna happen is if I get sick and I think I'd rather stay well.

Udita Banerjee said...

Oh yes!
Quiet times with books is what keeps me going too. Real life is often to harsh to be dealt with without a dose of fiction :)

The end

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