Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday Snapshot

Everyone has heard of Color Runs, right?  There are some pretty famous/popular ones out there... the biggies:  The Color Run, Color me Rad, Run or Dye.  They're huge organizations where thousands of people run.   They are tons of fun, they are for good causes...and they are pricey--very pricey when you want to bring them to a small town in the middle of nowhere, which is exactly where I live.
So, we did our own.   I work for the Chamber of Commerce and we just did our own.  Instead of thousands of runners, we had hundreds.  Almost 300 hundred.  Everything was downsized quite a bit---we just did what we thought would be good  (none of us had ever actually been to a color run).
It was a fun day.  You could do a 3k or a 5k, you could walk, you could run.  You could even skip if you wanted to.
At every  "K" there was a color station where you were splashed with color. It's a powdered corn starch with skin friendly dye in it.   We purchased it from the Hare Krishna's.  In Salt Lake City. (just in case you ever need some)

Here are some photos of our day  (and by the way, it was a great fundraiser for us--thanks community), which I am linking to Saturday Snapshot hosted by  West Metro Mommy Reads.

I took the pictures.  I carry my camera everywhere I go.  My camera got a little bit of residual color powder on it.  I tried to stay clean, but people kept hugging me.

Color the Mucc photos.  (We called it color the Mucc, because we live in the Mucc. WinneMUCCA.)   sigh... we are very clever that way.


Susan Lindquist said...

What fun!

Louise said...

I don't quite understand the whole colour run thing (or even more the mud challenge craze),but they are very popular. Well done for putting on your own. It does look great fun, you took some great shots. I love those clouds of colour in the first shot- it looks great.

bermudaonion said...

Your town sure seems to have a lot of spirit! It looks like everyone had fun!

westmetromommy said...

How fun! Thanks for sharing!

Stacy at The Novel Life said...

we did the Color Run in GA a few months ago ~ so much fun AND colorful! The best 5k I've ever done ~ everyone was so happy. Your pictures look like y'all had a blast as well!

Tina said...

I have never been to one but wow, that looks like a blast!

Elizabeth said...

How fun...thanks for sharing.

Looks like a beautiful day too.

Silver's Reviews
My Saturday Snapshot

betty-NZ said...

What wonderful initiative! I can see by the smiles that it was a great success!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...