Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Friday Friend Recipe #238--Chicken Casserole

My Friday Friend Cookbook Countdown #238

My Mom's Chicken Casserole

and you know all the whys and wherefores of this countdown, right? Homemade cookbook, friends contributed, Handyman said I couldn't/wouldn't do it, I'll show him, yadda yadda yadda....

...and the rest is cookbook history!

This doesn't look very pretty.
I don't know what to tell you--because it tastes good.
Just remember, the countdown is not all about pretty food and food design---it's about the people and the stories.
And (the most important thing)  proving my husband wrong--and that I can and WILL make every recipe in this cookbook!

It's baked chicken and rice with a gravy that tastes good.
My mom did something similar with pork chops and rice when I was growing up.
I tried to do it when I was first married--numerous times, because I liked it--but somehow missed the 'cover' and bake.  I would just bake it and the rice was always hard.
So don't forget to cover it with foil before baking--you'll be eating hard rice if you don't. 

This will be my mom's 42nd time in the cookbook countdown.
She runs a close 2nd to Barbara Brown's 50-something!

And now I have to think of a 42nd story about my mom---

if you recall from the last Friday Friend Cookbook Countdown post, I had random photos of Barb--one or two wearing an Elf hat from the traveling cocktail party of my 52nd birthday, so, WAH-LAH!  Here is a couple of my parents wearing different hats at that same traveling cocktail party.

My parents were, of course, invited to my 52 birthday bash at our cabin on River Road at Wallowa Lake, but they politely declined and said that I should celebrate with my younger friends.
(ha!  Nobody is that young--it was my fifty-second birthday!)
Anyway---I had scheduled an entire weekend with friends from all over.  Some stayed with us, some rented cabins, some put tents and/or camp trailers in our driveway.
I had made an agenda that people could follow loosely for the 3 days.  
There was one mandatory thing  each day that everyone had to do--but free time too for exploring and doing things on your own.

 Saturday night was the Traveling Cocktail party, but on Saturday noon, I had scheduled a lunch at a brewery in a town 12 miles away (Saturday must have been the drinking day).
A bunch of us were having a nice lunch and a beer outside at this brewery (Terminal Gravity is the name, in Enterprise, Oregon)  and up drives a pick up truck loaded with all kinds of junk! 
Like junk junk!
Tons of junky junk!
Junkety Junk!
And the Handyman and I started to make fun of the Beverly Hillbillies who had so much junk.
We were laughing a bit--not mean, but people stopping at an out of the way Brew-Pub with a truck bed full of JUNK, was weird to me, so I laughed with them, not AT them.

Well, guess who got out of the truck?
My mom and dad!

They decided to join my celebration and surprise me and were bringing up some outdoor furniture (junk from a neighbor who had been having a yard sale) and some yard décor (junk for me!) 
They knew EXACTLY where I'd be  and what time, because I had sent out the agenda to all the Friday Friends.

And then they were able to join us on the traveling cocktail party!

Our cabin hosted the Mexican cocktail....

And my good friends Susie and Kelly Taylor hosted the  "Make your Elf Happy" cabin/cocktail.

They had the best time!
And I got the best junk!

That's my story!

My friends I bring to you recipe #238

Only 129 left to go!

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The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...