Thursday, November 14, 2019

What Should I read next part 2

I think I was supposed to report back here last Saturday and tell you what book you chose for me to read this month--and it is....

Yay!  Another book to add to my reading this month.
I say that only slightly sarcastically, because I chose to do this, right?

This is what I'm reading right now:

The Lilac Girls
The Crossing Places 
Glamorous Powers  (It's my Slow and Steady Read--10 minuets a day is all)

Those above are all for my own enjoyment.
Then my book clubs in November?
The CCB (coffee, conversations and books) Club--The Bookman's Tale
Totally Lit- Don't Skip Out on Me
Lit Wits- The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
Reading Between the Wines Romance--Stuffed

And I'm trying to listen to The Gown on Audible. But it's not going well.  I need a long car trip or something.  Or I need to clean my house. THAT'S IT!  Tomorrow I 'll be cleaning out the 'grandchildren's room' -- which is another term for one of my extra bedrooms where everything gets tossed!

Anyway, that is what I'm reading this month.

In September, for our Totally Lit book club, one of our members, Cathy,  had just gotten back from the Basque (Spain) Country  (we have a huge Basque population in Winnemucca) and she wanted to make  us an authentic meal. And she choose the book Guernica

An extraordinary epic of love, family and war set in the Basque town of Guernica before, during, and after its destruction by the German Luftwaffe during the Spanish Civil War.

 She paired up with another of our book club friends, Keeli,  who had been to the Basque country over the summer too.
They ran into each other at a café in Spain.  (how funny is that?!)
Because?--the Basque community is a small community after all!
I mean, you leave Winnemucca, NV, fly to Spain, go to Guernica, meet someone from Winnemucca, NV who is in  your book club!
It happens.

But the book club story?
Cathy was doing the cooking, but it was going to be at Keeli's house.
Keeli's daughter was taking her solo pilot license test the same day.  It was scheduled for the morning in a town 2 hours away--Keeli  went with her daughter.  
It began to rain (even tho the weatherman said it wouldn't) , so they waited and waited and waited.

They did not plan on the rain--- but they were stuck.  What could you do if your instructor says we'll fly as soon as the rain lets up?
Mid-afternoon, I got a call from Keeli explaining that she wasn't in town and that her daughter had just taken off in the plane for her test, and she would be late for book club,  but her house was still available and could I go help Cathy out with the cooking, etc.
I said, sure, does Cathy know?

Keeli said,  No and  I'm not telling her.  She'll freak out.  I'll tell her when she arrives and can't get in my house--she'll call me and I'll give her the code so she can get in.
So...April and myself arrived to help Cathy prepare a Basque meal in a kitchen none of us were familiar with.
It was tons of fun!
(actually Keeli has THE BEST Knives in the world--I thought of stealing them--and her kitchen is the easiest to cook it and entertain around)
Keeli arrived in the middle of book club and then we all gave her a bad time about not having to be home to host a book club.
It can be done!

Cathy made paella and croquettes and Spanish torta (2 or 3 different kinds) and salad and good cheese from the Basque country and tinned anchovies and tuna packed in oil and bread and wine and so much more!
So yummy!

We had such a good time that evening.  
The food was great!
Here are some pictures 
 (there are a lot, as you know I always overshare)

It really was a BOOK CLUB, but I don't see one book in sight!

You had to pour it this way--Cathy said!

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

Who needs books when you have friends, food, and alcohol!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...