Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What's Outside My Kitchen Window and Library Loot

What's outside my kitchen window?


March really did go out like a LION!

It wasn't like this all week, but for a full look at my Big Backyard please check out that blog.

You could just click on the button on my sidebar...the one with the picture of  a bird at the feeder, which was, incidentally, taken just outside my kitchen window, but if it's easier for you just click here

You know, if I were a person who could get things done in a timely manner (my friend April put it so accurately in describing the both of us...if someone gives me a deadline, all of the sudden everything else becomes extremely important. EVERYTHING! even straightening out a sock drawer, so that the deadline drawers nearer and nearer with nothing done! It's called procrastination)

if I got things done in a timely manner and wasn't such a procrastinator, might do a "Mr. Linky" and have everyone show me "what's outside their kitchen windows"

But I'm not that organized.

I do have to say tho, that I'm great under pressure..... my job requires it.
I get my things done, just as the guillotine of the deadline is about to drop!
I actually must thrive on that feeling.... it's how I roll.


 Library Loot!

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Eva at
"A Striped Armchair" and Marg at "Reading Adventures"  that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

Want to share your loot?

This is what I picked up this week.

I have no idea as to why, except I like to hear stories about America and it's people. Regions and customs and stories. Hopefully this will be good for that. I'll let you know.


bermudaonion said...

Holy cow! It's in the high 70's here - I sat outside and soaked up some sun for a while.

Michelle B said...

I always like peeking at your library loot.

It's 77 degrees right now. My son and I went fishing today (he's on Spring Break)!

Pam said...

It's in the 70's here today and perfect. I took a nice long walk today. We're so happy to be over the snow! I bet Zephyr is great, I will be checking that out! Thanks!

porcelaine said...

Oh dear! I know how you feel. We had crappy weather last week when everyone else had sunny skies. As for the book, I wonder if that's the California Zephyr line for Amtrak? If so, it should be interesting. Enjoy!

Marg said...

We are just coming to the end of our Summer so my backyard is looking a bit sunburnt.

I do like the sound of your loot as well!

~~louise~~ said...

Oh my, talk about procrastinating. I am oh so bad. However, I too work well under pressure. Not sure why though.

You have quite a task in that yard of yours! I use to square foot too when the kids were little. I didn't know there was a right way and a wrong way:) It is definitely an easy way that's for sure. I'm doing container planting, just flowers, this year.

The Library Loot thing sounds like fun. I must do something about getting more organized so I can look into these things further.

BTW, Debbie. I'm playing a game over at my blog for April Fool's Day. Pop by if you get a minute.

Thanks for sharing...It's a beauty of a day here in PA!!!

Karen said...

You got snow yesterday? Yuk! I'm so glad winter is over (at least I hope it is!) and can't wait to get home to plan our garden, too!

The Blonde Duck said...

Happy Easter!

avisannschild said...

I thrive on that feeling of impending guillotine too (hmm, that doesn't quite sound right, but you know what I mean). Is that snow in your backyard? We're getting summer weather here this weekend...

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...