Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Teaser Tuesday and Singapore Slings

Miz B at Should Be Reading hosts a weekly meme entitled Teaser Tuesday

*Grab your current read.
*Let the book fall open to a random page.
*Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
*You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
*Please avoid spoilers!

Susan: Big Bird....Mr. Hooper's not coming back.
Big Bird: Why not?
Susan (standing now, stroking Big Bird's feathers): Big Bird, when people die, they don't come back.
Big Bird: (sorrowfully) Ever?
Susan: No, never.
Big Bird: Well, why not ?
Luis: Well, Big Bird....they're dead. They can't come back.
Street Gang, The Complete History of Sesame Street
by Michael Davis

Do not drink Singapore Slings.  The name is fancy...and reminiscent of your youth, but...BUT, it's almost straight gin!  Dry Gin, Sloe Gin and cherry flavored brandy.  Half a lemon juice, half a lime juice, a dash of Grenadine.

One time my friend Theda (today is her birthday) and I were cleaning our boyfriend's apartment. (this was in the 1970's, when we didn't realize that they to could clean!). We thought we would taste their liquor cabinet. We tasted a bit of it all....just one swallow would do. To see how it tasted. Bourbon, vodka, tequila....the last we came to was the gin. We took a swig. Straight.

I thought I had swallowed my tongue!! I don't know what Theda thought.  But she's not a gin drinker to this day!
We ended the afternoon, by listening to Barry Manilow records and crying at the song "Looks like we made it" Cuz that's what I thought the Handyman thought of every time he saw his ex-wife....I'm very melodramatic. oh, by the way, that boyfriend whose apartment I was cleaning was the Handyman. THE Handyman....the one who I just celebrated 32 years of wedding bliss with. He had had 4 years with his ex-wife. I guess he wasn't thinking of Barry Manilow....Looks like we made it.

Anyway, that's how the Handyman and his roommate Steve, found Theda and I that afternoon so many years ago...... crying over Barry Manilow and an open liquor cabinet and an unclean apartment!

So, when I tasted the Singapore Sling last night..... well, lets just say, I didn't finish it. It sure looked pretty tho.

My on-line bookclub is reading "Mrs. Somebody Somebody" by Tracy Winn.  My copy came in the mail today!!  Yay.


Kaye said...

My kids grew up with Sesame Street - great show. Those drinks are pretty. Too bad you couldn't finish it. Have a great week and happy reading. My teaser is here

Karen said...

Sounds like a sad Sesame Street book :(

Jennifer said...

Oh, I am old enough to remember Mr. Hooper alive and well. I never knew him not to be on SS. My TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/06/teaser-tuesday-day-for-night.html

Alice Audrey said...

That's a heavy teaser. But then, Sesame Street can be that way sometimes.

Cecelia said...

I think I remember that scene! I had to go ask my mom what 'dead' meant. Oh, Sesame Street. Great teaser!

If you'd like, you can check out mine here.

Pam said...

My kids grew up with Sesame Street and loved big bird and Oscar. I'm with you on the drink! Haven't had one in years. Great story---crying over Barry Manilow and all. LOL

Ingrid_3Bs said...

Looks like you did! :)

Btw, There's one song by Billy & the Beaters(?) that reminds me of my honey and his ex wife. It makes me tear up,too. :(

Roz said...

Just found your blog today; you follow a lot of my favorites too. I enjoyed your posts so much that I am no following. Please stop by and visit when you can! Happy Friday in your neck of the woods! Roz (aka bella)

Roz said...

oops i meant 'now following' sorry for the typo.....roz

hjn said...

Forget about the books....give me one of those drinks!!!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...