Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Countdown is on...

The countdown to 2012 is on!   I know this seems weird, but the turning of the year bothers me.  Like birthdays bother some people  (my birthday has never, ever bothered me.  I'm 52 years old.  Big deal) the new years makes me feel reflective, thoughtful and sometimes melancholy.    Does this ever happen to anyone else?  It's not that I am a  'glass half empty''s just that for a short period of time, I wonder where the heck times goes, because it goes so fast.  (sometimes  at this time of year, I will torture myself by watching old home videos of my kids when they were little)  (please don't take me seriously when I say torture--it just sounded so dramatic--)
I find a strange sense of pleasure in that melancholy--but only for a couple of days, then it's on to new adventures!  
It's the same thing as hating to turn older I'm sure...I just don't attach it to my birth date and age.  I attach it to  "Father Time".

I do, however,  love the fact that January is slower, and there is time to read.  I've missed reading lately.  I love the fact that January gives a sense of  organization and goals (yes, I do love the dreaded resolutions that everybody else hates),  fresh ideas and a clean white slate.  January and I have become friends of sorts--we have the slower time to  paint the bathroom, tile our hallway, get our new kitchen cupboard built....
...WAIT!!  What happened to 'slower'?   Doesn't sound like I'll be slowing down anytime soon.

Speaking of reading and books....I just finished  Three Day Town by Margaret Maron.  I love her Deborah Knott Series!   In  Three Day Town,  she  brought in the character Sigrid Harald of her previous series.  It was quite fun to see the two characters who are so different in one book.   I haven't finished the whole Sigrid Harald series of books, because I love  Deborah Knott so much, but in reading something by Maron a few months back, she said she hoped that people didn't disregard Sigrid and they come to love her for who she is  (she's not a warm and fuzzy character), anyway, reading that line and just having read  Three Day town makes me want to go back and finish the Sigrid Harald Series.
Needless to say, I enjoyed the book.

and now......I have just started  "the Night Strangers"!  I can't wait for this weekend.  I would love to just hunker down on New  Years Eve, with some Hot Buttered Rum and leftover Christmas Cookies and  finish this book.

I'll let you know how it goes, be continued.....


Karen said...

Happy New Year!

bermudaonion said...

I'm 52 too! I try not to think about it too much though. Happy New Year!

Michelle B said...

I get weird at the end of the year too. Not really a melancholy thing--it's more that I feel like a crazed squirrel trying to get all it's nuts in order for the coming winter.

Your January plans don't sound slow at all!

Susan Lindquist said...

I'm with you on the slowing down in January thing! Christmas, while I love love love it, is so chockful of parties and church events and family traditions that I welcome the quiet of January.

I, too, am pulling out the reading. 'The House of Silk' was my Christmas gift ... I loved Night Strangers ... it was my'Halloween' read back when it was first published. I think you'll love it!

Happy New Year!

Kathy Walker said...

Happy New Year! My goal is to slow down in January and actually sit long enough to read more than one chapter!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...