Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Friday Friend Recipe #194 -- Egg Cream

My Friday Friend Cookbook Countdown #194
Stella's Egg Cream

and you know all the whys and wherefores of this countdown, right? Homemade cookbook, friends contributed, Handyman said I couldn't/wouldn't do it, I'll show him, yadda yadda yadda....

...and the rest is cookbook history!

I'll just be honest--- Egg Cream(s)(?)  is/are not for me.
I think it must be a regional/nostalgia thing.  You just don't see them out here in the west much.
It's watery chocolate milk.

I am not trying to be a 'hater' because I truly love the idea of an egg cream--especially when I read about them in a book.
It gives me a sense of nostalgia and sense of place.
You should certainly give it a try and decide for yourself
Also, having one at a soda fountain is vastly different from a homemade one, where we tried to blend it enough to make a froth, but it didn't quite work.
Stella is not a cook but we went to New York together and cheesecake and bagels and egg creams are great memories!

This is Stella's first (and I think only) recipe in the Friday Friend Cookbook.
Stella and I met when working at an elementary school in California.  Below is a photo of Gerogann (Friday Friend and the school librarian) and Stella on the right....

Twenty-22 years ago I did not have a cell phone so I could not snap a photo during every moment of my life--I am trying to say that I have very few photos of Stella.

Stella then... when we worked at the school together...

and Stella now...
loving her life, living on the beach.

I don't think she's changed a bit!

Stella made me take care of myself.  She needed a walking/hiking partner and she claimed me as that. 
A partner...walking, talking, encouraging, supportive.
That's what Stella is.

This is one of my favorite memories of Stella:
I flew to New York city with her one November many  years ago and after she ran the New York City Marathon (while I shopped at Macy's original store and relaxed in Central Park with her daughter, Sarah, and after she ate a juicy hamburger and took a nap) we went up to the top of the Empire State Building.
It was the year after 9/11.  
I had moved away from Los Banos, California, so Stella and I were not walking/hiking partners anymore and we were certainly having a great time catching up on our little vacation clear across the  United States. 
 10:30pm on top of the Empire State Building...
It was cold and we were bundled up with wraps around our heads and jackets on (I thought we looked like Yugoslavian peasant women.  We were very bundled up)
There was only one other small group of about 4 people up there.
All of the sudden 2 young teenage-ish girls came up to us and asked,  "Mrs. McNish?"
AND YES!  They knew Stella!  One of their sisters had been on the swim team with her daughter Sarah and my kids!

That's my mother's definition of a small world.
It was certainly funny.

And that is my Stella memory and we give to you recipe #194!

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I didn't really even know what's in an egg cream but I don't think it's for me.

Stella sounds like a lovely friend and I love that a child from the other side of the country recognized her in New York.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...