Friday, April 30, 2010

What's for supper?

I am having a friend and her husband over for dinner tonight.  We are celebrating their birthdays.

I own over 200 cookbooks.  I look thru over 100 cooking blogs during the week.

(sigh)  I can't for the life of me figure out what to have tonight except chocolate cake.

And I need to leave for the


Karen said...

This sounds familiar! Sometimes I think all day long about what to have for dinner and still at 5 o'clock don't have a clue. About 5:20 I go into the kitchen and whip up a meal out of whatever is in the fridge. I should have named my blog "The Leftover Queen" LOL. Let us know what you came up with for the birthday dinner!

bermudaonion said...

I go through this every night, so I know how you feel.

Michelle B said...

I can relate. All the cookbooks I have and recipes I've torn out of magazines, cut out of newspapers, printed off, scribbled down...and nada! I don't feel for anything and I'm unmotivated to try. We're having breakfast for dinner.

Good luck!

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

I cook by mood, so I totally relate to this! Chocolate cake sounds great, but I'm sure you can up with something amazing. In this instance, me, I woulda prolly come up with reservations LOL!!

Happy weekend.

Ingrid_3Bs said...

I hear ya!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...