Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Night Strangers--a 'not' review and Booking Thru Thursday

So, last night I finished "the Night Strangers" by Chris Bohjalian. 
It was very satisfyingly....creepy.  And I liked it very much.  It was kind of a good old fashioned ghost story.  Kind of.

(this is why this post is a NOT review, because I can't write one )
Just wanted you to know I finished and it was good.   Bohjalian is a really diverse writer--and it's always well done. That takes a lot of talent

Read it if you kind of like to be creeped out....

and now, the Booking Through Thursday question is:
If you could sit down and interview anyone, who would it be?

And, what would you ask them?

That is a really difficult question to answer.
Tonight, I am thinking Julia Child.   I just ordered a book of letters of hers.  A book about her  correspondence with a friend.  So besides her cooking,  I would love to know about her correspondences throughout the years...she was a great letter writer.  (as I want to be) 

I think that what I would ask her tho, has nothing to do with her life as a cook, or a military spy, or  her letter writing....   I would ask her about how she dealt with her and her husband's infertility.
REMEMBER, I am thinking that since this is a pretend interview, I wouldn't be hurting her feelings by bringing it up.  I wouldn't seem insensitive.   I would never want to do that to Julia or anybody.   IT IS PRETEND....and I would just like to know how she got thru that.   That maybe she could be an inspiration for others in the same situation.
It is touched on---ever so briefly---in her book and the movie,  Julie and Julia.

That's what I would ask her about.


bermudaonion said...

I read Skeletons at the Feast and loved it, so I'd really like to read The Night Strangers. I know the books are really different, but I loved Bohjalian's writing.

Ruby Claire said...

I like his other writing " Double Bind" and "Skeletons at the Feast".

Sales letter

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...