Thursday, January 26, 2012

Rainbow cupcakes

See this cute girl?  She is my niece.  Her name is Devin.  (D.C. -- Cutie Pie)  She loves to cook.  

 I would love to take credit for her love of cooking, because I have a blog, where I feature  food.
Kind of. 
Not lately really. 

But  I cannot take credit for her love of cooking ....she's just amazing all on her own. She's grown up around food--her mom has a small catering business --  but the thing about Devin is she'll find her own recipes, put her own spin on them and  with her mother's encouragement,  enter the kitchen and create!    Most of all, she just has fun doing it.  She's enthusiastic,  and that's what I love!
Not to mention her creations are quite tasty!!

I'm very excited, because  I will get to see her in a few weeks and I'm hoping for some of the great rainbow cupcakes!

(and Dev....if you hate this picture, I'm sorry.  I stole it from your mom's  album.
I think it's gorgeous tho!! )

or maybe this pic with your brother Nate?
I love this picture too.
May I just say  "ADORABLE!!"

(I can say that because I'm your Aunt, and Aunt's get bragging rights)

When I saw that she had made these cupcakes,  (pics sent to my phone)   I asked her if she wanted to be a guest blogger on my blog.  Lucky for me, she said  YES!

She sat right down and wrote the post. 

"I found these on youtube and I thought they would be fun to make. And I thought they would be hard but they were actually not hard! And they WERE fun! They light up your day.

Get one box of white cake batter and make the mix. Divide them into 6 glasses. Dye each batter into different rainbow color. Layer them from last color to first color (purple,blue, green, orange yellow, red) bake at 325 for 20 minutes. That is it! You can decorate them any way you want."

Love ya !!
How clever is that?
They are so pretty and festive.

I can't wait to try one. (okay, I'll be honest, I probably won't stop with just one)
Thanks Devin.
As I mentioned before....she has always been creative.
Once she had a pizza making contest with her brother
her mom said of her pizza:
Both were yummy but Dev's had pesto, onion rings and fresh mozz balls... Pretty damn good.!
I'm pretty excited for Grandpa's  80th birthday party  in  February.  I was thinking cupcakes sound perfect,  but  fresh  pesto, onion ring and mozzarella ball pizza sounds great too!
It's a hard decision.....but.....but.....
cupcakes  are easier to take to a party!
Love you Devin!
and thanks for being my guest blogger.


Karen said...

Great guest post, Devin! My granddaughters would love the rainbow cupcakes and I would love that pizza!

bermudaonion said...

Devin is adorable! I'd love some of her cupcakes too.

Irene said...

She sounds delightful. I'm going to be trying Devin cupcakes soon.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...