Friday, April 17, 2015

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by 
Every Friday, she'll pose a question, submitted by a fellow book blogger.
(stop by her Blog to find out all the details)
This week's question is:
 Ending a book I loved is sad and beginning a new one is apprehensive for me. What about you? 
I guess it's 'bittersweet' to finish a book I love (or even just liked a lot), for a lot of reasons  and as far as beginning a new one being apprehensive?  MAN is that right!!
I have so many I want to read, that  choosing the next one is horrible!
To make matters worse, I usually narrow it down to 2 and then ask the Handyman to pick for me.
He never does.
Hmmmm... and  yet.... he always says he'd do anything for me.
 What's up with that?

He says, he doesn't want that responsibility!!  
He says that I'm a strong, independent thinker.   
He says that I don't really want anyone telling me what to do -- least of all him!
That's what he tells me. 
If you ask me---it's just pure laziness not to point to my right or left, as I'm usually holding them behind my back. 


bermudaonion said...

I have trouble picking my next book too, unless I need to read one for book club or something like that.

Unknown said...

It takes me a day or two to start a new book if my previous read really gripped me.


Elizabeth said...

So many good books to choose from. It is difficult.

I like your story about the handyman.

I miss the characters in a book I really liked.

ENJOY the rest of your weekend.

Happy Hopping!!

Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer

Alysia said...

LOL!! That is so cute. I would never ever ask my honey what to read next. But I do tell him what to read. LOL! He was never a reader until we started dating. A year into it and he is now up to a book a month. YEAH! ME!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...