Saturday, April 18, 2015

This and That


I don't do  "Mailbox Monday" because I don't get books in the mail on a regular basis, but today?  
Today I got these:

And I thought I'd share.
If you remember my post from yesterday
I said that choosing the next book to read is horrible for me!
And stressful, oh -- so stressful.

What to do now?
And these weren't even on the top of my TBR piles  (yes, that is plural.  Don't tell me you don't have more than one TBR pile), but they came in the mail and I want to read one NOW.    Ahhhhh...
and I love Margaret Maron's Deborah Knott Mystery Series.
It's like visiting with an old friend.
What to do, what to do? 

I will choose one and grab an iced tea and sit in my big overstuffed chair and -- take a ten minute nap.

So far this Saturday, 
made muffins
had a coffee date with a friend
now...on to book reading
then.. write a letter
go for walk.

An exciting life I lead!!-- I know that, but, but  


~~louise~~ said...

You arr sooooooo funny Debbie. If I were you, I'd pick out of a hat, lol...Give them each a number, put the numbers in a hat (or something thereof, lol) and pick a number any number, lol...

Good luck with your choice:) 10 minute nap? I wish I could take cat naps. I just can't nap during the day no matter how I try. Sounds like you had a perfect Saturday. Enjoy the rest and whatever book you choose, too:)

As for me, finally got outside to check the garden "properly." Wow! Tons to do, someday:) Things are still hectic around here. I'll be doing an update in the next week or so. Thanks for sharing, Debbie...Sip some tea for me:) (put some booze in it:)

bermudaonion said...

You are in for a treat with Ordinary Grace.

Tina said...

I have been curious about Ordinary Grace, please let me know what you think.
I was looking over your blog this morning and now I think I want to revamp mine. Again. I miss the blog list I had. Also had been thinking of ditching one blog and I just can't seem to choose! So I post the identical thing on both....oh well.

Susan Lindquist said...

I really loved Ordinary Grace ... in fact, it's up for a second read for my little church's monthly book group. I'll be interested to hear what you think of it!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...