Thursday, May 4, 2017

Friday Friend Recipe #132 -- Do Ahead Mashed Potatoes

My Friday Friend Cookbook Countdown #132!

Barb's Do Ahead Mashed Potatoes

and you know all the whys and wherefores of this countdown, right? Homemade cookbook, friends contributed, Handyman said I couldn't/wouldn't do it, I'll show him, yadda yadda yadda....
...and the rest is cookbook history!

These need no introduction at all.
Potatoes and cheese = Happy Dance.

 Speaking of a happy dance--- I think Barb and Doug actually did a little dance with these outfits on!

This will be Barb's 30th time in the Cookbook Countdown!  To see all her recipes click here!

We've been friends for a gazillion years--and today happens to be her birthday!
Happy birthday Barb!!

I was all prepared to do a funny story about her-- how she and Doug were 'invisible', but now I don't think it's appropriate to embarrass her.
She is lovely, has a great sense of humor, is a meticulous housekeeper, a quilter, a golfer, a great cook, a good mom, a conservative dresser.
Never has my friend done an inappropriate thing.
Never has she kicked all the men out of a restroom so she could use it. (more times than one)
Never has she lectured a non-English speaking girl about using a 'potty guard' in a restaurant bathroom.
Never  has she suggested to me, while we were at a water park with our families, that we should tell a European woman that she should 'shave' her whatzit area, before wearing a 2-peice bathing suit. (if Barb had done this--she might have thought of it as helpful, and her friend, ME, might have said NO, we are NOT doing that.  IF of course this had ever happened)
Never has she used a vomit bag to 'potty in' while on an airplane flight in an airplane which didn't' have a bathroom.

I would never want to embarrass her on her birthday by saying these lies.
So I won't.

She is the friend who typed up the original Friday Friend Cookbook for me!  (you should see the condition it is in now!)
She typed and sorted and spent her own money on a 'graphics'  CD.  And then she copied and packaged and mailed it to me!
She is responsible for THIS! 
Well, she and my  husband, who have always been partners (in crime!)

This photo of the four of us taken in Yuba City, CA, 20-22 years ago? But I think we still look exactly the same!

Happy Happy Birthday Barb!
I hope someone makes you some good mashed potatoes!

 And that, my friend, is
recipe #132!
Only 166 left to go!


bermudaonion said...

Barb sounds like a lot of fun! Will you hate me if I admit to buying instant mashed potatoes?

Anonymous said...

What a feisty riot she sounds like. These potatoes look delicious. Spuds and cheese? Ya can't go wrong with that combination.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...