Sunday, October 1, 2017

Saturday (even tho it's Sunday) Snapshot-- Cousin Camp

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In July, we had cousin camp again, at our cabin in Oregon. But this time, the Handyman and I were not alone--we had reinforcements as we had most of their parents along.

One day we took a trip up the Tram. 

The Handyman and I have been up the tram many times throughout the years.  We actually don't go up anymore, but the grandkids had never been up and everyone needs to do it a couple times in their cabin life--next stop 5 years.
(it's kind of pricey to take 14 people up.  Or even one people up!)
     *     I was 13 when they built it and my dad got to be a 'test' subject for the escape route.  They stopped the tram and he had to open the emergency window and repel on a little wooden seat on a little nylon rope!
*     One  year, My friend Theda and her husband John, got stuck up on top, the summit, and missed my parents 50th wedding anniversary party. They had to be rescued and taken down by jeeps the back way.

But nothing like that happened this time.
This time, we had a nice hike, the kids got to play in some snow--and to them, that was the best part--and ate a nice lunch at the Summit Grill.

I chose to ride up with the 4 oldest grandkids and the rest of the family came in the tram behind us.

Uncle Mark gives the thumbs up!

And off we go!

On the way up the mountain, these three little cousins--these sweet little girls, had the nerve to ask me, who my favorite son was.  They said,  come on, tell us.  We won't tell anybody.
Their daddies are brothers, my sons.  There was no way, I was getting drawn into that conversation, not even to defend the 'mothers love all children the same' line.

I thought they might be a little frightened on the ride up, but -- nope. Not at all.
They just made fun of being afraid, as you can tell.

We were high above the lake!

Christopher rode in my tram on the way down the mountain. He wasn't afraid either, but had just realized he left his Nemo sunglasses on the mountain top.

Apparently they love playing scared? It became evident when I asked them to stand by bigfoot when we were playing miniature golf that same evening.
Smart alecs!

And those are my Saturday Snapshots for the week.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I'm scared on those things but would go if I were at Cousin Camp!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...