Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday Night Food at our House

Friday Night Food at our house is usually dinner with our friends, The Miltons. But this Friday night the Miltons were not home. So we had to fend for ourselves.

Earlier when I got home from work, there was a box waiting for me. A Birthday gift from Theda (my oldest friend... in years of friendship, not in age. LOL ), who is ANOTHER original Friday Friend. NO ONE gives a gift like Theda. She sent me a few of her favorite things...she said if it was good enough for Oprah, it was good enough for her.
So... there were a few of her favorite kitchen gadgets. But they were wrapped, or rolled up in a recipe of hers. A recipe that she liked. It was just way to clever and cute. she just copied or printed out a few of her favorite recipes, or ones she wanted me to try and rolled the gadgets up in them.
She just has a knack with gifts and I love her for them.
Anyway, one of her recipes was a flank steak marinade which I was going to try, but I needed to go to the store to get some flank steak.
Rich went with me. Outside the market they were "fire roasted" some chilies. They smelled good.
So, Rich decided that he was going to make tacos.
Okay, fine, I didn't have to cook.
He bought chicken and onions and tortillas and the fresh-fire roasted chilies.
We came home, he bbq'd the chicken and made margaritas and he was just basically busy going in and out from the kitchen to the grill, when all of the sudden he said, "oh sure, you don't take pictures of MY food."


I don't really have a recipe, EXCEPT these were by far the best chicken tacos I have ever had!!!
It was the fresh-fire-roasted pablano chilies, I'm sure.
Everything was smoky flavored because he did it all on the grill. Smoky-fresh-chipolte.
OH MY GOSH!!!!I'm gonna quit cooking and leave it up to him!
They were so good!!


here is his stuff (and remember, just random pictures because he said "so you never take pictures of MY food) so very, casual.

He grilled it all....
re-heated the fresh-fire-roasted-chilies

Then set out the fixings on the kitchen counter

Wah- LA!!!grilled chicken chipolte tacos!!!!

But this post has kind of screwed up Barb's bbq chicken pizza post, that I was going to do (see left )
oh well....that's next.
It's late....hahahaah OKAY, IT'S NOT LATE, I just looked and it's 10:10 on a Friday Night, but it's dark...Rich is watching a movie, with no lights on except me and the computer (I say light when I said me, because there MUST BE a light bulb atop my head....the brilliance, you know. LOL) Anyway, dark, the crickets are chirping outside, and dinner was over a few hours ago... but I WANT ANOTHER ONE!!!
It was the fire-roasted chilies, I tell ya.


sj said...

nummmmmmmmmmers.... and a man who cooks! well done! :)

Meghan Stone said...

YUM.... Rich, you are a rockstar!! I may come visit, just to have a Rich Taco!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...