Friday, August 15, 2008


Look what beautiful hankies I have!

There were my gift...I won a "give-away" without even knowing it...from Christy at Southern Plate.

They're beautiful!!

I must confess, one is supposed to be for my mother in law, for saying such sweet things about Christy's blog...

(and now, I have to pass it on, darn it).

Thank you again Christy. We love Soutern Plate!

And because I have not been cooking this week...(I have recipes to post, just not enough time in my day lately) I'll leave you with this and ask you to check out my "soup blog" ........ (and my book blog, and.... LOL )

from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland:

Beautiful soup! Who cares for fish
Game, or any other dish?
Who would not give all else for two
Pennyworth only of beautiful soup?

There you go....I'm being literate and uh, epicurean (?), at the same time. (LOL not so literate if I can't think of a corresponding foodie word. Oh well) while not posting a recipe.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

1 comment:

Southern Plate said...

ooh YAY! I am behind on my web snooping and just now saw this! I'm glad you like them and they got there! I hope your MIL likes hers!!!
Now you can "swoon" and wave your hankie right before for dramatic effect! I am SURE this will get you out of cooking supper!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...