Monday, August 10, 2015

Miss Fresh Greens--a Book Club story

This is my Sunday story....
I have a new laptop!  This is exciting news, as I have been  posting from work or the Handyman's ancient computer in the garage for over a month.
The not so exciting part is that I have to get used to a new updated version of windows.  A few quirks here and there for me to work out.
I went to church this morning and did some grocery shopping.
I am making spaghetti for supper -- my mom's recipe, which is on the Friday Friend Cookbook countdown. --and now we are getting ready to wash some windows and put some screens back up.
I would like to say that then I was going to lay in the hammock and read a book, but for some reason I have been in a reading slump lately.  It's been over 2 weeks since I have read a book ---I just don't have an interest right now, but I'm sure I'll get over it soon.
Even tho I've been in a reading slump---there is no way I'd ever  miss a book club!
Last week Totally Lit held our semi-annual (sometimes Tri-annual)  MISS contest.  This year it was "Miss Fresh Greens"
Well our Miss Fresh Greens evening was lovely.
We ate outside and discussed the book--and many, many other things.
We tend to get off track sometimes, but it always comes back to the book.
We talked into the wee hours of the night....well, okay, it might have been 10.  Yes, we stayed up and out until 10pm!!

Everyone brought their best greens!
Or salad.... we said any salad was fine.
And then.....the waiting was unbearable.... was our salad "the best".
Who would represent for the next year or two, or three?

There were lots of fresh salads, but not too many greens!
(which we thought was kind of funny)
Who would win??
Miss Congealediality, Cindy, our first MISS ever, is ready to crown ---or sash (since we don't have a crown) the Queen!
Oh look!  It's me.

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen,  I was crowned/sashed MISS FRESH GREENS!
It was the thrill of a lifetime!
And I did it all with --- a Mexican Coleslaw.
(coleslaw mix, halved red grapes, green onions, pistachios, cilantro, coleslaw dressing with a bit of chili powder)
(and I used a mix of pistachios, almonds and peanuts)
All kidding aside, we really have a good time at our MISS evenings. Lots of good food and drinks. It's hard to choose just one winner.

As the evening wore on, it got chilly outside, but we couldn't stop talking books!
So, we just got blankets.
Our book was "Close Your Eyes, Hold Hands" by Chris Bohjalian.
I think on an average, it got close to 4-stars from the book club.

You know how I feel about the ladies of my book clubs, right?
(I love them)
Well, things are changing---in Totally Lit especially. 
Believe it or not, (and I know you won't believe it because we all look so young!) there is talk of retirement, moving away, leaving---and I don't like it!
I want things to stay the same for ever and ever.
Just sitting around drinking wine, discussing books and laughing with friends.
But it looks like next year, 2 of these ladies will be retiring 'elsewhere'.
I guess that means we will become a traveling bookclub-when we go visiting them!


bermudaonion said...

Woo hoo, congratulations! I can't believe your evenings are chllly - that sounds heavenly right now.

Karen said...

Congratulations! :)

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...