Wednesday, December 23, 2015

This and That

I am so behind on everything blogging!   SO BEHIND!
I was kind of absent for a few weeks.  Life happens...and that's why I am in awe of all the other awesome bloggers who stay focused.

I need to get these two things out there before it's too late...before Christmas comes and goes and a New Year rolls around.

I am participating with Sheila from Book Journey in

Last year (in which I did not participate) she did a collage of all who sent in their photos with the book they were reading on Jan. 1st.
(you can see it if you click on her link above).
I have my book all picked out for this year---and it's just sitting there mocking me. Saying read me NOW.  But if I do...I might be done by midnight Dec 31st and I can't risk that! 
This one will be my New Year's Read!   
If you want to find out what it is, tune in to Book Journey on January 1st, 2016, where you will see me with book!
You will see everybody with their books!
What fun for us book nerds.  I can't wait.

Sheila says:
This is the third year I am hosting this event and this year, it is all the more important to me.  It was a year ago today that I put out last years request. I would love for you to join me in this tradition of picking the book that you will be reading into the new year.  It can be a coveted book that you have been waiting to read, a guilty pleasure book, a re-read of a favorite that you want to explore once again… whatever you want.
Our posts of what we are reading will go live on January 1st.  You do not need to be done with the book on January 1st, just reading it on January 1st and yes, you can start on the 31st and be reading into the New Year.  I would like to link up all your posts here on the 1st as well so others can visit you and cheer you on! 
Just check out her site and sign up.  It 's simple.

So that is a fun way to begin the new year... the other thing, I wanted to do along with Sheila takes a bit more of a serious turn...

Read her post, One Word...What Can A New  Year Bring,  here.
She identifies herself as a life-long lover of words and talks about finding a website that challenged her to adopt a word that spoke to her in lieu of making a resolution for the new year.  One word that might represent her going into  a new year.

For 2016 she chose the word:  Courage.

At the end of her post she says:
I would love to have you do this with me.  What is your word for 2016?  How will you own it and why?

So, I too,  have looked at the list of words, and one jumped out at me right away.
My word will be: Accomplish.

Does it seem like a funny word to adopt for a new year?
Why did I choose it?
How will I own it?

ACK!  Well, I guess we'll have to see.  
I am good at accomplishing many things.
Things for my job (lots of events I get to organize, deadlines to meet, etc)
Things for my family.
Things for church.
Things for my friends.

But I don't ever accomplish much for myself.
I was going to say 'put myself first' but that sounds too common---and believe me, I do take time for myself, as I am basically an introvert and I NEED that time.
But I don't accomplish things to take care of myself.

I NEED to take care of some emotional and physical things for me!
It's important to my well-being that I accomplish certain things this year.

to bring to its goal or conclusion; carry out;perform; finish:
to accomplish one's mission.

I just want to leave it at that for now.

What about you?   Do you have a word?


Stefanie said...

I have no clue on the word for the year but one did just pop in my head just now. I will let it marinate...
As for my first book of the year, still thinkin'...

Literary Feline said...

Accomplish sounds like a good word for the year. I hope you accomplish whatever you set out to do! I haven't ever selected a word for the year. I can never decide on just one. :-S

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Accomplish is a great word!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...