Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Outdoor Wednesday

I've been gone for a bit.  I feel as if every other post I've done this summer starts out with that line.   But it's true...I've been gone for a bit.  We met some friends up in North East Oregon, and had a great time.   I thought I'd post some pics for Outdoor Wednesday, hosted by a Southern Daydreamer.

I invited friends from all over the country and we met up at my parents cabin in Oregon.   It was kind of my birthday weekend. Well, I guess it really was my birthday weekend/celebration....there was no kind of about it. I invited my friends to help me celebrate my birthday. You only turn 52 once. 

We had lots of free time, but there was one thing a day that was part of  'my weekend'  and everyone had to participate.  All together there were 27 of us.     Day one was  my birthday dinner---Beer Butt Chicken with the  Chuckwagon Sisters.  Day two was a traveling cocktail party (with themes). On day 3 we all rode the tram up the mountain.     We rode up the Mt. Howard Tram at Wallowa Lake, Oregon.

These are my people:  (standing in line to buy tickets)

On top of the mountain looking down.  We're very high up.  The lake is 6 miles long.  We hiked and then we had lunch at the Summit Grill.

The Hills really were alive with the Sound of Music.
We sang it.

Heading Down the Mountain in the gondola.  My friend Theresa was afraid of heights, but she stepped out of her box and made the 15 minute trip up and then down.

I am linking up to Outdoor Wednesday.

I'll be back tomorrow with a chocolate pie recipe!


bermudaonion said...

Hey, we're the same age! Happy birthday to you! It looks like a fun way to celebrate!

LindyLouMac said...

Calling by to visit another Outdoor Wednesday participant, I hope your friend felt the gondola ride was worth it for those stunning views.

Karen said...

Nice pics!

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

Looks like a lot of fun and happy birthday, better late than not at all!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...