Saturday, August 13, 2011

Snapshot Saturday

I have tons of photos I could have used, wanted to use and will still use, for Snapshot Saturday, but...
this week I went to a ribbon cutting for work--the name of the places was  "Just P'nk" (a nail salon) and she had dyed her dog pink!
It was weird/funny to me.  The Handyman and I are big dog people and, well, we've never seen a dyed dog before.

And this morning I went to a baby shower and there were a bunch of babies.  We put them in a pile and took pictures of them.
I thought their size was funny, although you can't really tell in this pic.


They went from big to small,   5 months to newborn.

Ya gotta love a baby!  Well I guess you don't  'gotta'  --- but I do.   I just LOVE that I'm too old to have one.  And I get to squeeze them and hold them and rock them and give them back to their mama's.

And with my grandchildren, I get to spoil them and teach them  fun things and love them so much my heart bursts....and then....give them back to their parents.

Of course I think my grandchildren are the cutest things EVER (as you do, yours) but I also love to watch other grandparents  with their grandchildren.
It just amazes me what those little things  (and bigger ones too--my oldest who is 9, just got his first cellphone and texts me every  30 minutes or so--gramma? what r u doing?
I think I am his only cell phone friend)   can to do your heart.  It's fun to me to watch the interaction between grandparents and grandchildren.

But I digress......  the size difference of these babies was  17lbs,  12 lbs and  9 lbs.
It's amazing what difference a few pounds can make.   
Whether  you are  5 months or 50 years.... !

I am linking up to Snapshot Saturday hosted by Alyce at  "At Home With Books".  It's a fun Saturday meme.   Be sure and stop by and check out the other great photos.


bermudaonion said...

Why in the world would you want to dye your dog? I wouldn't put a dog through that.

9 pounds is pretty big for a newborn! I love babies too!

Trish said...

That dog looks like cotton candy! And those babies? Too cute, all of them :)

caite said...

I am dog sitting my brother's very white doggie this week. going off to look for some food coloring now....oh, won't he be surprised!! lol

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

Love babies! Can't wait for more grandbabies, no pressure kids!

Alyce said...

You can't go wrong with a dogs and babies - so cute! I've never seen a pink dog either. :)

Rosie Hawthorne said...

"We put them in a pile and took pictures of them."

For some reason, that line cracked me up. I guess I was thinking of a literal "pile" of babies. Not babies neatly lined up.

Too cute!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

That is crazy--the pick dog. The babies are beautiful.

gautami tripathy said...

Enjoyed looking at the photograph!

Here is my Saturday Snapshot post!

Karen said...

I guess dyeing a dog isn't any worse than someone coloring their hair, huh? Cute babies :)

Anonymous said...

Dyeing a dog, some people... The babies are really adorable.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...