Tuesday, August 6, 2013

First Chapter

Every Tuesday, Diane from Bibliophile From the Sea hosts, First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where she shares a  paragraph (or few) of a book she is reading or thinking about reading soon. I am going to join her this week....care to join also?

Last night before heading off to bed, I grabbed 3 books off my shelf--ones I have been wanting to read.  I am going to share all 3 with you because I need help on deciding what to read next!

First paragraph of book #1:
Today is Christmas Eve. Today is my birthday.  Today I am fifteen. I buried my parents in the backyard.
Neither of them is beloved.

First paragraph of book #2:
Billy Gray was my best friend and I fell in love with his mother. Love may be too strong a word, but I do not  know a weaker one that will apply.  All this happened half a century ago.  I was fifteen and Mrs. Gray was thirty-five.

First paragraph of book #3:
She's waking up.

When I was a children's librarian at an elementary school, I had a huge bulletin board to decorate and I never knew what to do with it. I usually had a crafty parent volunteer decorate it, but one time I put up famous lines from Children's books, such as:
Charlotte's Web:  Where's Papa going with that axe?
Lemony Snickett:  If you are interested in stories with happy endings, you would be better off reading some other book.
I also put up the book jackets and the kids had to guess which line went with which book.  It was tons of fun.
Anyway, now I want YOU to match me up with a book based on first paragraphs.
Choose for me---sight unseen.

Okay to be fair, you want to see some book jackets too?
Here are the books that those lines come from.  They are not in any order-- you choose what line goes with what book.  And then what one I should read.

And then head on over to Bibliophile By the Sea to join in the fun!


Literary Feline said...

The Death of Bees is easy to guess since I've read the book. :-) I really liked it and hope you will too!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I read Death of Bees and enjoyed it - (3) intros -- how great. Enjoy and thanks for joining us today.

JoAnn said...

Three interesting intros. I'm most drawn to the second - John Banville is a great writer.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...