Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Cookbook Countdown and FF Appendix #4 The Salty Dog

This will be cookbook  #69!
on my slow, very slow, countdown  of  my own
personal cookbook shelf.

The Salty Dog


Ah yes, the little book of Gin Cocktails!
This little book was given to me by my friend Theda.
I am also adding this as an appendix to the "official Friday Friend  Cookbook"
(much to the chagrin of the publisher/typer upper Barbara Brown)
(she's afraid I'm going to make her type up a whole new cookbook.  Volume #2! )
Cocktails are good.
In fact, I'd much rather have a cocktail than a glass of wine.
(sorry friends)
And I like gin.  (that's why Theda gave me this book)

Wikipedia says
Salty Dog may refer to:

Oh interesting-- I don't think this drink can be libidinous, because you can't drink enough of them to get libidinous. 
It's grapefruit juice--- you can't drink it all night for heaven's sake.
Well, I can't drink anything all night anyway.  I fall asleep after 2 of them.  Or at  9pm. Whichever comes first.

I just like the freshness of the Salty  Dog.  I think grapefruit juice keeps you on your toes.

The Salty Dog

2-3 ice-cubes
pinch of salt
1 measure of gin
2 - 2 1/2 measures of fresh grapefruit juice
orange slice to decorate

Put the ice cubes into an old fashioned glass.  Put the salt o the ice and add the gin and grapefruit juice.  Stir gently and serve.
Decorate with an orange slice.

*I put salt on the rim of the glass because that's how I remember them.
*and mine never did have an orange slice before, but I liked it.

And now for my Theda stories.  And the reason why she gave me the 
Little Book of Gin Cocktails.

Today at  55 years old, and after searching for "my drink" for years, I have come to the realization that a Gin and Tonic is it for me.
But way back in 1978ish, when Theda and I were young, very young,  I was dating the Handyman and she was dating his roommate Steve.
We thought, as young girls often do, that if we cleaned their apartment, they would really appreciate it and like us all the more.
(apparently this is true of the Handyman as he is still hanging around, but not so of Steve, since Theda dumped him not soon after this and sailed off to college where she met John.  Anyway, all these years later I am still cleaning up after the Handyman!  WTH??? )

So,  picture us cleaning. 
Listening to Barry Manilow.  YES, Barry Manilow.  On the stereo.
And we decide to take a few sips of some alcohol they have.  They (Handyman and Steve) were not home at the time.
Well, we chose a bottle of gin.  Little did we know that drinking a swig, sip, swallow of straight gin was like swallowing your own tongue!!


When the Handyman and Steve got home, we were a bit tipsy,(from one or two sips of straight gin!  We were not drinkers)  crying over Barry Manilow love songs.
The apartment was not so clean.

And so Theda thought I needed a Little Book of Gin Cocktails!

I wonder if she likes gin?
I'm going to ask her.

Okay... I asked, she answered.

I love my Little book of Gin Cocktails  Theda!
Thank you.
I love sharing memories with her!
It makes my heart happy!

I am going to use this in my cookbook countdown  
Woo hoo.
and link to 

Today ---
I'm sharing a couple of high school photos of Theda.

(by the time I'm finished with the FF cookbook, the FF appendix and random posts, I'll have shared every single photo I have of her I'm sure)

Don't ask me why we are all wearing white pants.
Or why we are posing this way.
High school  circa 1976
We had not yet met the Handyman and Steve.

1 comment:

kitchen flavours said...

Hi Debbie,
This drink looks good! I do not drink grapefruit juice very often, and somehow have never tried a drop of gin before! Interesting, would love to try it! Funny story about the gin! Cool photos of the 70's! Love looking back at photos like this! Somehow, nowadays, photos stored in computer files are just not the same anymore!
Thanks for linking to CYB! Tried visiting you a number of times before today, but your website keep showing as "malware detected"! I'm glad that is gone now!
Have a lovely week!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...