Friday, March 11, 2016

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is hosted each week by
This week's question is:
Do you believe audio books are the future and why do believe?
and my answer is:
I don't believe they are THE future, but I do believe that more and more people have come to love and appreciate them.
Stephen King says they are 'story telling at it's best', and everyone knows we love a good story.
I listen to audio books very often--every day, in fact.  In the car, while I clean the kitchen, while I go for a walk, etc.  BUT there is also nothing like having the afternoon to yourself and curling up with a good book IN HAND.


Kay said...

I agree with everything you said. I love audiobooks and listen every single day. I also read books in print and e-books. It's all good!

Stefanie said...

Print and eBooks will still be around. I love the versatility in book forms.

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

Visiting from the Book Blogger Hop at Coffee Addicted Writer.

I've never had a lot of exposure to audio books, so I can take them or leave them, I guess. I agree with you on the print book experience, though.

Here's my Book Blogger Hop answer.

Katherine P said...

Great answer! They definitely have their place but they won't be replacing regular books anytime soon. It is nice that there seems to be such a big variety now and they're much easier to get.

Elizabeth said...

I haven't listened to too many audio books, but they were convenient when I was cleaning or cooking.

I used to listen to books on tape when I was working. I had a 20-minute commute both ways.

Happy Hopping!!

Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer

Sportochick's Musings said...

Have you found some audio books where the narrator was an Issue. I have found several.
Sportochick’s Musings Answer

bermudaonion said...

I agree. It's become easier to listen to audiobooks because of smart phones but I don't think they'll ever replace books - can you picture a waiting room filled with people listening to audio books?

Maria Behar said...

Like e-books, audio books have their uses. They are convenient when one is driving, for instance, or doing something around the house. However, I think most people still prefer printed books, and I'm definitely one of them. I will read e-books at times, but there's just nothing like a printed book in one's hands, as you have pointed out.

I think all three formats will simply continue to co-exist, and people will gravitate to one or the other as they please. Still, I do firmly believe that most of us bookworms much prefer printed books.

Happy Reading!! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!! :)

Literary Feline said...

Audiobooks do not fit as conveniently into my life as they do for many who love the format. At least not right now. It takes me about two months to get through one audiobook--and that's if I'm enjoying it. I do enjoy them from time to time though.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...