Friday, March 25, 2016

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is hosted each week by
This week's question is:
How much of your day is devoted to your blog, and how much is devoted to reading?
My answer?
Reading Wins!
Here's the thing.  I blog for fun.  I never review books--I just love the book blogging community and all the people.
My blog is not sophisticated, I am not very technologically  inclined,  Twitter still intimidates me (I know this is about my blog and not Twitter, but I just thought I'd throw that in), I don't understand my IPhone, and  I don't take the time I probably should to figure out stuff for my blog, BUT -  I so love  YOU and your blogs!!
I have found my 'blog' place and it's okay.
Sometimes I will go a week without a blog post update---my life just gets in the way---but I'd never go a day without reading, BECAUSE, reading IS my life.
Well, books and the Handyman, my kids, grandkids, friends, dog, cat, cabin in the woods, church,  wino bingo, book clubs, lunch, cooking!
Those things are my life, but I'm always able to get some reading in between; morning, noon and night.
I am amazed and in awe of how many of you keep up such wonderful blogs AND interact with other bloggers so often.
You are my heroes!
Did I answer the question?
More time devoted to reading.
Less to my blog.


Emma Litttlefield said...

I couldn't agree more...reading always wins!

bermudaonion said...

I don't spend nearly the amount of time on my blog as I used to, and I'm sure it shows, but blogging can be all consuming if you let it.

Kay said...

I need to adopt your mantra - 'more time devoted to reading - less to my blog'. I'll repeat it 6 times and see if it works. LOL

No, really, I spend way too much time talking about reading and not doing it, but that's why I take breaks from the blog. It kind of creeps up on me and then I know it's time to go 'dark' for a while. In fact, I'm feeling a break coming up in a month or so. Fair warning. ;-)

Katherine P said...

Sometimes blogging feels a bit like a hamster wheel. I never get to the end of my to do list and there's always so much to be done but I try not to stress too much about it. I love you attitude and your blog and Twitter definitely intimidates me too! I go on there and my eyes cross and I have no idea what I'm looking at!

Unknown said...

I definitely read more so I have something to blog about, lol.

Lisa Pottgen said...

I tend to read more than I dedicate to my blog as well, but I am working on evening that out a bit.

Lisa @ Just Another Rabid Reader

Sportochick's Musings said...

I love your response. Very healthy.

Sportochick’s Musings Answer

Maria Behar said...

What a delightful answer, Debbie! I'm glad this has worked out so well for you! And you have reminded me that blogging is supposed to be FUN. Sometimes it isn't, for me. Oh, I do enjoy it, but I have this feeling that I HAVE to post pretty much on a regular basis, or else all of my readers will disappear! Lol. And then, when I participate in blog tours, I have to put up my post on a certain date. So now I'm thinking of not doing blog tours any more. These posts are VERY time-consuming, and I don't really get many comments on them.

So....when something stops being FUN.... well, I don't want to stop blogging entirely, but I need to feel less DRIVEN about posting. I agree with Teri's comment -- your approach is very healthy!

Here's to MORE reading, and LESS blogging! Thanks for sharing! Hope you're enjoying your weekend!! :)

Literary Feline said...

I try to keep things simple as well. I don't have a lot of time to spend on my blog--which is one of the reasons I do not post every day like I once did. I also sometimes end up taking unexpected breaks because I just don't have time to write and prepare posts.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...