Monday, March 28, 2016

It's Monday! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile!

Last week I was so excited about the 5 books I had going on, but if you remember, I mentioned that I had no idea how that had happened.
I said this last week:
I'm reading 5 books this week--all at the same time.
I have never read this many at one time before!
I don't even know how this has happened!
Different rooms, different times of the day--that kind of thing, I guess.  
But I hope to finish them all this week.

Well, it so happens that--
I cannot do 5 books at one time!!!
2 yes, but 5 really confused my reading mojo.
All I did was pick up one read a few pages, put it down, pick up another one, read a few pages--you get the picture.
I can't concentrate enough on one to really start to enjoy it.
I'm going to pick one and just stick with it thru to the end!!
So...nothing finished this week.

But last night my son and his kids arrived for spring break, and I sat down with my grandkids and they each chose a book for me to read to them this week.  It's my favorite thing to do!  
My books are a bit dated, but timeless stories.

This week I will be reading AND finishing these two:

They would also like me to read "Little Women" to them.  I love Little Women, and these two 6, almost 7 year olds, are advanced listeners, so I might give it a try.  I'm not sure yet.  Although this is a Penguin Junior Edition, so it's not the full 500 pages, which is a plus for reading aloud novels in a week!

And that's my reading for the week!

What are  you reading?


Jessie @ Jessie's Random Place said...

These looks like some great reads to do with the grandkids. The Mouse and the Motorcycle is one I'll have to take note of, as it looks like something my godson would enjoy! I hope your grandkids enjoy Little Women if you get to it. It was always a favorite of mine when I was younger.

Kay said...

Enjoy your reading this week with your 'littles'. They sound like a lot of fun and I bet you guys will have a great time. :-)

Katherine P said...

LOL! I'm not great at reading a ton of different books at the same time either. I find that when I don't feel like I'm really connecting with a book it's frequently because I've got to many other books going at once. I had forgotten about The Mouse and the Motorcycle! I think my 6 year old would love it. I'll have to pick it up at the libary next time we're there. Enjoy your reading and your visit with your grandchildren!

Nise' said...

Nothing better than reading to grandkids!

Michelle said...

I used to be great at reading multiple books at the same time. As I've gotten older, either my mind is not quite as capable of juggling multiple stories at once or I have gotten wiser about doing so. Either way, I am strictly a one-book-at-a-time gal these days!

Enjoy reading aloud to your grandkids. That sounds like the best way to spend the week!

JoAnn said...

Still remember how much I loved The Mouse and the Motorcycle as a kid... enjoy!

bermudaonion said...

I love The Mouse and the Motorcycle! When I try to read multiple books, I always end up concentrating on the one that is the most engaging.

Susan Lindquist said...

I loved Little Women when I was a girl and my son loved The Mouse and the Motorcycle when I read it to him ... right now, though, I am reading The Testament of Mary (Colm Toibin) and I've also started The Women of the House ( Jean Zimmerman). Two books are all I can handle, most times. Enjoy your visit with the grands!

Lindsey said...

It sounds like you are having a great visit with your grandkids! The Beverly Cleary books are pretty popular in my house too. :)

Marce said...

5 books at a time, what were trying to do yourself :-) Enjoy the family time.

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness, Ralph the Mouse is classic as is Little Women. I love how your grandchildren want you to read with them. My tween is good about reading multiple books at a time. I think the most I've done at once is three. My method would be a chapter from each each night. Now I need to finish up that historical which is okay and I have Black Rabbit Hall that many book bloggers have read and liked.

Elizabeth said...

Five books at once is amazing!! I see you dropped back to two...that is still too many for me. :)

I can only do one at a time. :)

ENJOY your reading time with the grandkids.

Silver's Reviews
My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

Elizabeth said...

I see you are reading Ordinary Grace for a book club selection.

I really enjoyed that book.

Let us know how the book club likes it.


Katie in MA (@ Can't Get There) said...

Reading to my kiddos is my favorite thing! How did Little Women go over with them? The Ramona books were big with my younger daughter (who is VERY much like Ramona! lol), but they didn't like Ralph S. Mouse as much. Have you done Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with them?

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...