Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Outdoor Wednesday

On Wednesdays I'll sometimes join A Southern Daydreamer and her Outdoor Wednesday Outdoor Wednesday meme to share some pictures.
Stop by and check out other great photos of the outdoors!

I think I am a creature of habit.  Well, honestly I know I am.  And I work from a list--don't surprise me with anything.  If it's not on my list I won't be happy about it.
(that's a slight exaggeration---but only slightly)

Why do I mention this on Outdoor Wednesday?  
Because we took our Friday NIGHT friends to our cabin in Oregon.
The ones we have dinner with every Friday Night,  unless we have other plans.
Every. Friday. Night.  For years.
Hence---a creature of habit.

What did we do?
Sat here by the river and had a glass of wine and beer every afternoon.

And we looked at these rock formations that just appeared out of nowhere.
We have no idea who did them, but they are beautiful.

Some of my friends commented "cairns"  which is of course, a mound of stones to mark a memorial.
(you knew that, right?)
(honestly I didn't--I had to look it up.  Don't tell)

But a couple of other friends wrote:
I Samuel 7:12 "here I raise my Ebenezer.."

I loved both 'cairn' and 'ebenezer'!!
Luckily I knew what ebenezer meant, because I had to look it up once, as it's in one of my favorite hymns.

Ebenezer means “stone of help.” From then on, every time an Israelite saw the stone erected by Samuel, he would have a tangible reminder of the Lord’s power and protection. The “stone of help” marked the spot where the enemy had been routed and God’s promise to bless His repentant people had been honored. The Lord had helped them, all the way to Ebenezer.

Don't you love it?!
The mysterious cairns and ebenezers!

Here are more pics of our afternoons down by the river--
and as usual, there are a lot.

Then we went up the river a ways---way up--we walked to the waterfall.

And Friday night we went to the Outlaw restaurant for dinner.
Dinner and drinks. Friday nights and friends.  Good stuff.


Kay said...

Your Oregon cabin is sure in a beautiful part of the world. I love Oregon. Anyway, love the stones and your explanation. I know about 'Ebenezer' in the hymn. Remember wondering when I was a kid why they were talking about Mr. Scrooge! LOL

bermudaonion said...

I want some Friday night friends!

Anonymous said...

What fun you had. I would love to explore Oregon more. I didn't know those stacked stones meant to represent a memorial or landmark. How interesting. I thought ppl just did that for fun.

Light and Voices said...

Friday night dinner plus friends in Oregon. Nice!

betty-NZ said...

What a wonderful place to be with friends just to chill out and laugh! I really find rock stacks quite fun, especially when it's hard to see how they were balanced.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...